Review: G9070 Robot Vacuum

It has been over five years since I added WiFi to a Roomba. Technology has come a long way since then. I've just bought a WiFi enabled mopping robot for under £150.

This is the snappily named Muzili G9070. It is a rebranded Tuya model - more on that later - which is available under a range of names.

A round robot.

It is... good! Not just for a cheap Chinese robot, but it is genuinely good. Fill it with water, hit the button - on the unit, app, or remote control - and off it goes. If you have carpets, you can swap to a bin which doesn't have a mopping function. It maps out the room and logically sweeps it. Then returns to the charger when done.

It's also pretty quiet. This is it mopping our floor:

The app is basic, but works. It even draws out a map of where the robot has been. This is the map of our kitchen:

A map of our room.

You can even see the blank spots where the table legs are!

Alexa integration is as crappy as all Alexa integrations. You have to add a skill, detect a new device, realise it doesn't work, start again, and then - eventually - you can say "Alexa! Start cleaning!" and it starts. You can make it stop, but you can't make it dock. Silly Alexa.

It looks like it might be hackable, which will be fun.

The package comes with spare bushes and cleaning accessories - and there are plenty of spares online.

For a hundred-and-fifty quid, this is great. It sweeps quietly, rubs water all over your floor, and responds to voice requests. Brilliant!


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17 thoughts on “Review: G9070 Robot Vacuum”

  1. Lisa says:

    Hi, looking at getting one of these (or the same Hosome branded one) on a deal, but spare brushes (main roller especially) and mop cloths seem hard to find. You mentioned there are plenty of spares online - would be interested to know if that is still the case? Do you find they need replacing often and did you find a particular place you can easily get something that's compatible? Thank you!
    1. says:

      Hi, I've only had it for a few weeks. It came with a couple of spare brushes and a spare mop. I found more on Amazon and Ali Express. But, to be honest, my last robot cleaner only needed the brushes replaced after a couple of years, so I don't think it's a big problem.
  2. Dan Moore says:

    I got the Hosome variant of this, which was great for a little while, but now it just thinks it's backed into a corner and rotates around on the spot before dying. There seem to be quite a few reviews of the thing online, but I can't find any trouble-shooting at all. I'm incredibly disappointed with it and it's probably put me off ever getting another robotic vacuum.
    1. K.Carrington says:

      I'm so irritated with mine because it's impossible to find any help to resolve the issue I'm having!
    1. @edent says:

      Push the button at the back and pull out the tray. That's where the dirt is stored.
    1. @edent says:

      You need to contact the manufacturer. I suspect it needs recharging. Or possibly it needs emptying / cleaning.
  3. Antonio De Simone says:

    how do you connect the Muzili G9070 to Alexa? I am trying to find the Skill in the Alexa skills list but I cannot find it. Is it a specific name I need to look for in the skills?
    1. @edent says:

      I think you need to use their app to find the skill. Or, use one of the Tuya skills. But, to be honest, shouting at the Alexa is often harder work than hitting the button in the app.
  4. Tracy Oliver says:

    I have got aG9070,I have had it for a year and a half now and it have stopped charging anyone know where I can get a new battery for it please.
    1. Jérôme says:

      bonjour, j'ai changé la batterie car elle ne tenait que 5mn les derniers temps, par contre je n'arrive plus a le connecter au wifi et je ne trouve plus l'appli proposé par le fabricant. elle n'existe plus... comment faire ?
      1. Mr.hhh says:

        J'ai trouvé l'application c'est "robot cleaner". effectivement je l'es pas trouvé sur le play store. Je l'es téléchargé via un store alternatif comme aptoid.
  5. says:

    Hi iv been searching for the app for 6 months as it seems to have been removed from the App Store. Or could anyone tell me if alternative app to use please.

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  2. Cleaner in sunlight. My Robot Vacuum Cleaner is Afraid of Sunshine

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