UK Gov Camp Weeknotes

I'm finally feeling like I'm settling into my new role. I spent my Saturday at UK GovCamp - an unconference for Civil Servants.

I ran a session on Acronyms in the Workplace. It was hillarious listening to people try to introduce themselves without any abbreviations. "I am the Chief Paperclip Office for the United Kingdom's Department of Stationery and Supplies" doesn't take much longer to say that "CPO for DSS UK" but you can certainly hear the mental gears crunching.

The overall output was a conclusion that excessive contractions were a hindrance to good communication, and often served as a barrier to new entrants. But there was a little bit of time-saving to be had - and it can be useful to identify who is part of the "in group".

I asked a question 11 years ago

  • Are you faster at speaking or typing?
  • Are you faster at reading or listening?

Most people speak faster than they type, but they are quicker at reading. Do you prioritise saving time for yourself or others?

This was the output as the result A flipboard containing notes.

You can also read the notes from the session.


Edent Shouting into a microphone. Photo by Nigel Bishop. The "May The Source Be With You" t-shirt is available on Amazon UK

I've been so exhausted that I didn't get much of a chance to talk to people, or make notes of the sessions I enjoyed. I need to get better about making time for other people.

And more

Read some more eloquent posts about #UKGC19

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