Chromebooks aren't accessible - a five-year-old bug
I was in need of a new laptop, so I bought a cheap ChromeBook - mostly because Amazon could deliver it the same day. Sadly, the trackpad was broken. Before I sent it back, I thought I'd try using a mouse with it. That's when I discovered that accessibility is very much a second thought for all the young and healthy people Google employ.
I have RSI and use a vertical mouse. After decades of regular left-clicking, my index finger is worn out. So I use a thumb button to click. Changing the order of mouse buttons is supported in all modern operating systems. Evoluent - the manufacturer of my mouse - also provide a handy tool for Windows and Mac so that I can set the mouse buttons up just the way I like them. I've written a guide for how to do it on Linux.
But with a ChromeBook? No. The message being put out is that Google doesn't want unhealthy people using its products.
I plugged my mouse in, and tried to change the button order. There's no way to do so. No hidden flag, no extension, no catering for abnormal people.
This isn't a new problem. A bug was raised FIVE years ago.
My favourite responses from Googlers to that bug are:
Technically it's not hard, it's just a question of UI work.
So it'll come along quickly?
Chrome has always aimed to minimize UI, as these features add up.
Ugh! Such a hassle to create something useable!
It's clearly a power-user feature
Yay! My super-power is pain in my index finger. I'm sure Professor Xavier will invite me to his special school for mutants any day now...
It's 2019. It is unacceptable to release a product which isn't accessible. Google is one of the most powerful companies on the planet, it employs some of the most talented people I know. But there seems to be no way to prompt them into fixing old accessibility bugs. Perhaps a ranty blog post will push things along?
2025 update. The bug was fixed ten years after being opened!
Duggie says:
I doubt your blog post will change things soon. 🙁 But... including a 45 second rant at the end of every talk you give might just have the desired effect in a more timely manner! 🙂
npc says:
Modify the mouse... Cut two traces and add two jumper wires. It gives you a reason to break out a soldering iron.
Vegas Vic says:
I've been programming since the Commodore PET.
Supporting remapped buttons is trivial even in 8 bit assembly language.
They're just lazy/incompetant.
A good design would include it from the start.
Nikki says:
AMEN. In addition to this issue, my dealbreaker is that currently Chromebooks don’t come with a 17″, 17.3″ or larger screen….. I’ve had several eye problems since I was 6 years old. I’ve had to stick with a Windows laptop all this time. I guess I should say, “GO WINDOWS?!” (I even wish I could get something bigger that is affordable!)
I went into progressive lens before age 40 briefly from using a 13″ laptop screen almost all day on my job! I had to quit that job for my health in no time flat. It’s a NO, NO, & a FLIPPING HELL NO!
I can’t use a normal mouse any more, and I’ve just accepted that most of the buttons on my vertical mouse won’t work. Now I know that this is just a small technical issue.
Where do I sign up to sue Google? @Google @ThinkwithGoogle @GoogleOSS @googlechrome @ChromebookHQ
Not only have Google not fixed this - they've now deleted the bug report!…
It’s not been deleted, but visibility has been restricted to Google employees. (I don’t have any background on this.)