What's The Next Phone Box?
As I scuttled through Piccadilly Tube Station last week, I noticed a relic of the past.

Where once a dozen-or-so booths greedily gobbled up the loose change of passers-by - there now is a scar.
What's the next thing which will be torn out of the landscape?
Petrol stations are likely to remain - even if just as places to rapidly charge electric vehicles.
Perhaps bus stops vanish as we use crowd-sharing mass-transit efficiently moves us around?
Litter-hunting robots which crawl the streets removing our need for rubbish bins.
Do we need safety barriers and pedestrian crossings? Surely driverless cars will be smart enough not to break the first law of robotics?
Should street-lighting be replaced with personal drones, discreetly following you and gently illuminating your path home?
The future will be strange.
James Heaver says: