Passive Aggressive Trolling Co-Op Business Banking

Having recently moved house, I have become very aware of which companies have modern back end systems.

The most top-notch ones let me log on to their website, fill in a form, and all the address changes are made.

A few required me to ring up and speak to a human being, which was a little annoying, but not the end of the world.

Only one company insisted that I write them a letter. Co-Op Business Banking. Despite having a moderately competent website, they couldn't process a change of address online. Their phone staff were equally insistent that I buy a stamp, find a post box, and make one of their minimum-wage staff copy-type my details in manually.

Forget that noise. This is what I sent them.

Co-op copperplate letter

Oh, and I copy-and-pasted a scan of my signature. Because that proves it's me. Right?

They didn't write back, but they did change my address. Which was nice.

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One thought on “Passive Aggressive Trolling Co-Op Business Banking”

  1. Nonconformistradical says:

    Love it! I have a Smile a/c which is meant to be internet only - that does seem to have a facility to change one's address (never actually tried to use it). What does annoy me is their insistence on sending a paper letter confirmation (rather than an onlne secure message) whenever I transfer - as I do from time to time - a relatively small amount of money to an overseas account.


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