Connecting Samsung ICS to Ubuntu using MTP
(These notes are mostly for my own benefit).
Android is moving away from USB Mass Storage. You will no longer be able to plug in a USB cable and have your Android show up as a USB disk. There are some good technical reasons for this, but it is a pain if you want to copy some files to your phone. The new system - MTP - isn't automagically detected in Ubuntu. This is something which is likely to be fixed in later versions of Ubuntu - but for now you'll have to hack around it.
The crazy cats at omgUbuntu have a tutorial which I have adapted for the Samasung Galaxy S (running ICS from teamhacksung).
First, install the MTP tools.
sudo apt-get install mtp-tools mtpfs
Connect the phone to the computer using USB.
To check that MTP is installed and working, run the command
You should see a spool of text as MTP detects the phone.
To create the rules which allow Ubuntu to detect the phone, create a new rule file like so:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
Add in this line of text
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="6860", MODE="0666"
If you're using a different device, run this command to get the correct idVendor and idProduct:
mtp-detect | grep idVendor mtp-detect | grep idProduct
We'll need to restart udev so it can pick up the new rule.
sudo service udev restart
Then create a directory in your filesystem which you can use to access your phone.
sudo mkdir /media/GalaxyS sudo chmod a+rwx /media/GalaxyS
Now we need to add ourselves to fuse.
sudo adduser YOURUSERNAME fuse sudo nano /etc/fuse.conf
The last line probably reads
Remove the "#" so you're left with:
Save the file.
We're going to create two commands "android-connect" and "android-disconnect". When run, these will allow you to connect to your phone, then safely disconnect.
echo "alias android-connect="mtpfs -o allow_other /media/GalaxyS"" >> ~/.bashrc echo "alias android-disconnect="fusermount -u /media/GalaxyS"" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
Restart the computer. Make sure the phone is connected via USB. Open a terminal and run
Open your file manager and go to "/media/GalaxyS"
Once you're done, disconnect the device by running
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