So, this is Christmas?

Graph showing all forms of worship steadily decreasing.

The Church of England publishes statistics about the numbers of its faithful. These are particularly interesting in light of the recent news that the UK no-longer has a Christian majority. The CofE's statistics are for 2019 - before COVID messed up everything - and I think offer a fascinating glimpse into its future. The two figures which struck me were: 89,000 baptisms during 2019 114,000 funerals during 2019 Back in 2014, the numbers were: 130,000 baptisms 146,000 funerals The good…

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Utilizing Quantum BlockChain for 6th Generation Neural Networks

Binary code displayed on a screen.

This pre-release whitepaper is a multidisciplinary approach to the challenges associated with using Quantum BlockChain technology to improve the performance of 6th Generation data networks for their performance with neural objects. By reconceptualising the way the nano-structures of 5th Generation (5G) networks interface with the OSI stack of traditional networks, we have found a way to perform novel temporal manipulation of the bitstream to deliver data at super-luminal speeds. Quantum…

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