Using Twitter To Predict The #GE2015 Outcome

Here's a very silly idea. Can we use the number of followers each candidate has to predict who will win the election? No, probably not - but let's give it a try anyway, eh? Hypothesis Support on Twitter - as measured by the number of followers - is a reasonable predictor of electoral success. It is likely that the incumbent MP will have a large number of followers - having been in the public eye for five years and (possibly) being on Twitter that long. It is also likely that MPs with…

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Direct Digital Democracy - A Disaster?

Logo for Get A Vote.

While on the anti-Digital-Economy-Bill protest, I bumped into Denny de la Haye. I've known Denny virtually for a while - and he's commented on this blog a number of times. Denny is standing for parliament in Hackney South and Shoreditch. He is standing on a platform of Direct Digital Democracy.  If he is elected, he will run an online poll for his constituents.  Whichever way they vote, he votes. Why This Is a Dumb Idea The wisdom of the crowds relies on an informed crowd.  Asking pe…

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VoteUK - Updates

After the tragic death of Ernest Marples, I'm sorry to say that the site fell in to a bit of disrepair. With no postcode data and no new boundary data, it looked like VoteUK was going to be permanantly out of business. Thanks - once again - to the clever-clogs at TheyWorkForYou, at least half of the problem has been solved. The API call getConstituency now has a future parameter.  Adding future=1 to the call will return the constituency the Postcode will be in for the 2010 General Election. …

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VoteUK - Some Progress!

Photo of a wooden sign indicating there's polling station here.

As you may recall from previous instalments of my thrilling blog, I'm trying to find the location of every polling station in the UK. This is proving to be rather tricky - if not impossible.  The  data aren't centrally held and, in any case, polling stations aren't announced until an election is called. So I went for the next best thing.  Using the wonderful What Do They Know site to make a Freedom of Information Act request, I asked the Electoral Commission for details of every council and wh…

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Getting People To The Polling Station

Photo of a wooden sign indicating there's polling station here.

It has always depressed me how little the British make of elections. We don't have voter registration drive, "Kiss me; I've voted" badges" or much in the way of celebrating our democracy. Perhaps it's our reserved nature. But I think it has a direct effect on the declining number of people voting. We're going to have a General Election within a year - how do we encourage people to register and then vote? I want to create a dual-aim mobile site. How do I register to vote? Enter…

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