Putting UK Flooding Alerts Onto Twitter #UKBLC14

As part of BlueLightCamp '14, a group of civil servants, hackers, and emergency service workers got together for a weekend of furious creation. I decided to look at flooding data. The recent floods in the UK are a brutal remember of the realities of climate change and our poor stewardship of the nation's waterways. The UK Government has a large collection of Flooding Data online - including some very detailed river-by-river data. Initially, we thought it would be a great idea if every river …

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Hack Da Police (and other emergency services) #UKBLC14

Big banner for Blue Light Camp 2014.

This is a necropost - resurrected from the now defunct blog of a previous employer. I've just come back from an amazing BlueLightCamp 2014 - held in the splendid offices of the Ordnance Survey. Themed unconferences are nothing new - but I think this was one of the first that I've been to focussed on such a vital topic - the Emergency Services. You can read a full write up of all the sessions on the official blog, or you can read Ben Proctor's take on the day. Here are my scattered thoughts, …

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