Stop adding email tracking links to phone numbers!

Gmail showing the tel URl scheme of a link with extra tracking information in it.

My Chinese takeaway delivery was late. Very late. I flipped open the confirmation email sent by Just-Eat to double-check I had all the details correct. At the bottom was a "click to call" link. Hurrah! I clicked dial, and this is what filled my screen: An absurdly long phone number. Bemused, I went to inspect the link I'd clicked. This is what it showed: The tel: URl scheme is brilliant. You can write something like: <a href="tel:07700 900123">Call Me!</a> And when you click on…

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How I built a responsive & semantic "Contact Me" page in under 16KB

A website which looks like a phone homescreen.

Recently, I've become obsessed with the speed and efficiency of my web sites. I'm in the middle of slimming down this blog - but I thought I'd take a first attempt at my contact site - A few weeks ago, the .tel registry released their domain restrictions - users can now host their site anywhere. I'd already experimented with as a contact site - but even that seemed too weighty for my needs. Here's how I used CSS to craft a beautiful homepage, HTML5 to give…

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What's the future for the .tel domain name?

Good news! is being relaunched with a slew of new features which frees it up from its previous shackles. What is .tel Your address book is probably a mausoleum - stuffed with the rotting corpses of long dead phone numbers. Perhaps you took my business card back in 2002, duly entered it on your Palm Pilot, and never spoke to me again. That address book entry has a phone number I've not used for a decade, an email address provided by a defunct start-up, and a postal address for a country I…

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Is there a future in .tel?

It's been four years since I got a .tel domain. Way back then, I wasn't that keen on the idea - I thought the implementation was iffy and the design pretty naff. Since then, the site has got easier to use and now looks a lot better - especially on mobile. When came up for renewal last year, I decided to add Google Analytics to it so I could see if it was useful. So, at the moment it bumbles along with 2 to 5 hits a day - more when my blog is popular. I get a couple of…

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Some thoughts on .tel

Just a few quick is yet another top level domain to go with all those other highly profitablepopular ones. You know, like .biz, .museum, .info, etc.This domain is different - this domain is single purpose. .tel's raison d'être is to abolish the business card. No more handing over little cardboard oblongs, in the glorious future, we'll just say "Visit aitch-tee-tee-pee colon slash-slash edent dot tell... No... Tell. It's spelled TEA-EE-EL. Yes. Just one EL. No, I don't know …

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