Book Review: Always On - Hope and Fear in the Social Smartphone Era by Rory Cellan-Jones

Book cover.

We live at a time when billions have access to unbelievably powerful technology. The most extraordinary tool that has been invented in the last century, the smartphone, is forcing radical changes in the way we live and work - and unlike previous technologies it is in the hands of just about everyone. Coupled with the rise of social media, this has ushered in a new era of deeply personal technology, where individuals now have the ability to work, create and communicate on their own terms,…

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Should ₹ be part of the Latin font subset?

Stock photo of colourful Indian Rupee notes.

Some background reading. Skip if you're familiar with fonts. A font file contains a list of characters (usually letters, numbers, and punctuation) and glyphs (the drawn representation of that character). It is, of course, a lot more complicated than that. Each character has a codepoint which is represented in hexadecimal. For example, U+0057 is the Latin letter Capital W, U+20AC is the Euro Symbol €, and U+1F600 is the Emoji Smiling Face 😀. These codepoints are assigned by the Unicode Cons…

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How many marriages have been saved by GPS?

Long list of GPS satellites.

I have a distinct and unpleasant memory of my parents not-arguing-in-front-of-the-children. It was the early 1990s and my parents had decided to take us on a road trip across America. My dad's experience of driving the sleepy high-streets of the UK suburbs had not prepared him for the terror of the Los Angeles freeway at night. He was jetlagged and my mum, bless her, can't read maps. On the hard shoulder, of the wrong side of the road, they argued about whether the map really said that you…

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Discolouration of Boyue eInk screens

Discoloured corner.

A little under a year ago, I got a Boyue Likebook Ares eReader. I use it most days. Recently, I noticed a yellowing discolouration around the edge of the screen. I've boosted the contrast of those images. It's the sort of thing the human eye can detect under decent light, but cameras struggle with. At night, it isn't noticeable. But in daylight, the yellowing discolouration is pretty obvious. To be clear, those photos are taken with the LEDs off. This is not caused by uneven light…

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Technology, Interrupted

A woman wearing headphones.

Here's a brilliant idea I had. And it would work if humans weren't garbage. I was sat on a stationary train. It had stopped for some unfathomable reason. I say "unfathomable" - the driver made an announcement over the speaker system, but I didn't hear it because I had my Bluetooth headphones on. Imagine if important information could interrupt your audio. Here's a *hand-wavey* description. You could tell your headphones to pair with the train. When the driver has an urgent announcement,…

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Book Review: Alone Together

People staring at their phones.

Technology has become the architect of our intimacies. Online, we fall prey to the illusion of companionship, gathering thousands of Twitter and Facebook friends, and confusing tweets and wall posts with authentic communication. But this relentless connection leads to a deep solitude. MIT professor Sherry Turkle argues that as technology ramps up, our emotional lives ramp down. A profound and moving book. It neatly describes how online socialising tickles some parts of our needy brains,…

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Book Review: The Entrepreneurial State

Book cover with a lion on it.

This book debunks the myth of the State as a large bureaucratic organization that can at best facilitate the creative innovation which happens in the dynamic private sector. It argues that in the history of modern capitalism the State has not only fixed market failures but also shaped and created markets, actively investing in new technologies and sectors that private investors only later find the courage to move into. A profoundly important book. Your iPhone - and most other high tech…

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How I became Leonardo da Vinci on the Blockchain

Yesterday at the CogX conference, I sat in a room listening to companies pitch their blockchain based startups. Because I hate myself. One in particular caught my attention. On the surface it seems to solve an important economic problem - art forgery and provenance. By putting your artwork on the "BitCoin Blockchain", Verisart will ✨hand wavy magic✨ increase the trust in art dealers and reduce fraud. That's a pretty neat idea. A distributed public ledger of who I have sold my art to. And, if …

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How long should you continue a boycott?

This is a Nestlé free zone.

In 2005, Sony put malware on their music CDs and then illegally infected customers' machines. I've not purchased a Sony product since. Their new TVs look amazing, but I've decided I don't want to reward a company which behaved so despicably. Is that sensible? 13 years later and I'm still holding a grudge. Is that healthy? It it useful? I was reading a discussion on Microsoft aquiring GitHub - one of the commentors didn't understand why so many people were upset by the news, saying: The…

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Knowledge Illusions

Screenshot of the Alexa app. She thinks Tim Roth played Doctor Who.

Optical Illusions trick your brain into seeing something that isn't there. Whether it is spirals which don't exist, movements which don't occur, or faces in curved lines - our optic centres are trivially easy to fool. Humans are not alone in this cognitive deficiency. Other animals are also conned into believing something which isn't true. This tomfoolery is not restricted to animals - computers can also be mesmerised. I've written before about AI suffering from Pareidolia. Specially…

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Usability of Key Distribution in BlockChain Backed Electronic Voting

Photo of a polling station sight. Taken by "Descrier" with URL

I went to an event a few weeks ago where some leading BlockChain organisations were showing off the power of Distributed Ledgers and how they will transform society. Not one of them mentioned users. There was talk of investors, stakeholders, corporations, smart-contract-backed entities. But no users. No real people who have to interact with their services. That's par for the course at this stage of an emerging technology - everyone is running away, shiny-eyed, into the future tech utopia,…

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Asymmetric Latency

I've just finished reading the most wonderful short story - Tower of Babylon by Ted Chiang. In it, he speculates on what would happen if The Tower of Babel were completed. For those unfamiliar with the legend, it tells of a people who tried to build a tower tall enough to reach the heavens. The book talks about the people who live partway up the massive tower, unable to comprehend what life is like for those living on the ground. In Chiang's tale, he mentions that it takes a cart laden…

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