Well, this is a glorious mess! The puppetry is astounding. The grey-clad puppeteers manipulate their charges with grace, precision, and joy. The work is so much more intricate than, say, Avenue Q. The mannerisms of the Tom Cruise doll are perfectly executed, with subtle moments of genius. The puppets range from miniscule to gigantic, with some requiring multiple people to bring them to life. The problem with satire is that it relies on current events. If you watch old Spitting Image episodes …
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(I *sure* this was the basis a short story I read - but I can't find it. So I'm (re)writing it. If you know of the original, please let me know…!) The speed of light is a universal constant. This "speed limit" is fundamental to everything we understand about physics. Information - when propagated via the electromagnetic spectrum - cannot travel faster than 0.3 Gigametres per second. There is no argument here. Every experiment conducted by our top scientists has confirmed it. There are no "warp …
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There's been lots of talk recently of the dearth of women attending technical conferences. This problem is blown out of all proportion! There are many excellent reasons to attend an all-male tech event: Reduced chance of having an affair while away on business ⚤ Hetrosexuals only! Won't accidentally mistake a CEO for a cocktail waitress 💁🍸 embarrassing! Excellent networking opportunities in the long queue for the men's toilets 🚽🚹 ⚣ Possible risk of inadvertent homosexuality! Impossibl…
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Yesterday at the CogX conference, I sat in a room listening to companies pitch their blockchain based startups. Because I hate myself. One in particular caught my attention. On the surface it seems to solve an important economic problem - art forgery and provenance. By putting your artwork on the "BitCoin Blockchain", Verisart will ✨hand wavy magic✨ increase the trust in art dealers and reduce fraud. That's a pretty neat idea. A distributed public ledger of who I have sold my art to. And, if …
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Every single one of your tweets starts "RT". You've no idea who controls that honeypot proxy, hell, you don't even know what a proxy is. Your "source" has an "Islamic" sounding name and uses a hashtag. That's practically evidence. The plural of rumour is news. Unreliable stories should be tagged "UNCONFIRMED" rather than investigated. You're totally sticking it to the man. Even if you can't pronounce the man's name. You can convey the subtleties of a delicate political situation in 140…
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