How popular are "And Daughters" businesses?

Shop sign - Marlow and Daughers. Via

It's quite popular to see high street shops names "Somesuch and Sons". Indeed, my grandparents ran "Eden & Sons" for many year. Much rarer is seeing "... & daughters". But, of course, the plural of anecdote is not data! The UK register of businesses - Companies House - has a pretty good search engine. Doing a search for AND SON returns 220,000 results. We use the singular because that should also match the plural. Instinctively, how many "AND DAUGHTER" businesses do you think they are? …

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Relaunching @edent_solar. Part 3 - API & Code

Solar Graph.

I'm hooking my solar panels up to Twitter! Installation Inverter Fronius provide a comprehensive API guide - I wish more companies did this. There are lots of unofficial libraries in a variety of different languages. I've written this code in Python3. This is a general tidy-up of the code I wrote several years ago. Here's how it works.... Every minute, the script runs from crontab. If it is after sunrise and before sunset, it takes a reading and writes it to today's CSV file. If it is…

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Add review to Goodreads from Schema markup

The Goodreads Logo.

I write book reviews on my blog. I also want to syndicate them to Goodreads. Sadly, Goodreads doesn't natively read the markup I so carefully craft. So here's the scrap of code I use to syndicate my reviews. Goodreads API Keys Get your Keys from You will also need to get OAuth tokens For this documentation, I'll use the example keys - please substitute them with your own keys. from rauth.service import OAuth1Service, OAuth1Session # Get a…

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Convert DOI to a HTML5 / Schema citation

The DOI logo.

This is a quick and dirty way to turn a DOI (Digital Object Identifiers for academic papers) into an HTML & Microdata citation. I use this to power my Citations page. is a Microdata standard which allows machines to read your HTML and create semantic relations between documents. Here's a minimum viable citation: <blockquote itemprop="citation" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> …

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The Great(er) Bear - using Wikidata to generate better artwork

A close up of the map.

One of my favourite works of art is The Great Bear by Simon Patterson. At first glance, it appears to be a normal London Tube map. But look closer... Cool! But there is something about it which has always bothered me. Each Tube line represents a theme - therefore, a station at the intersection of multiple lines should be represented by someone who matches all of those themes. For example, here's Baron's Court - the intersection of the Explorer line and the Saint line - represented by…

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Alexa Skills - get custom slot names using Flask-Ask

Alexa Skills Page.

Amazon encourages developers to use Flask-Ask - the handy Python library for working with Alexa. Sadly, the project has been abandoned. They no longer take pull requests, you can't raise bugs against it, and the documentation is incomplete. So this is how I solved an annoying problem - how to get the name of a custom slot. Here's the code, with a fuller explanation afterwards. from flask import Flask, render_template, request from flask_ask import Ask, statement, question, session app =…

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Extracting your data from Untappd

I rate every pint I taste using the Untappd app. Think of it like TripAdvisor for lager, stout, cider, bitter, and all manner of other beery goodness. Seriously, I've reviewed over 600 different drinks Recently, I decided to see if I could self-host my beer check-ins. The first step - extracting my own data from Untappd. Pay To Play If you become an Untappd Supporter for US$5 per month, you can extract your data in CSV or JSON. I feel like I ought to be able to GDPR that and get it for…

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Convert WebVTT to a Transcript using Python

YouTube showing subtitles.

I want to convert YouTube's auto-generated subtitles into a plain transcript. Why is this so hard? This blog post gives a more detailed explanation than my answer to this StackOverflow question. Here's what the subtitles look like when you view a video: And here's what the code which generates those subtitles looks like: 00:00:00.930 --> 00:00:03.080 align:start position:0% and<00:00:01.230><c> now</c><00:00:01.439><c> can</c><00:00:01.709><c> we</c><00:00:01.800><c>…

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How to detect 3D video?

Still from the moview Finding Nemo. The image is split side by side.

Here's an interesting conundrum. My TV can automatically detect when 3D video is being played and offers to switch into 3D mode - but how does the detection work? This post will give you a few strategies for detecting 3D images using Python. Firstly, some terminology. 3D videos are usually saved either as Side-By-Side images, or Over-Under images. Colloquially known as H-SBS and H-OU. Here's an example. SBS OU Metadata? My first thought was that 3D video may contain metadata which…

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Reconstructing 3D Models from The Last Jedi

Different depth maps of various accuracy

A quick tutorial in how to recover 3D information from your favourite 3D movies. In this example, we'll be using Star Wars - The Last Jedi. tl;dr? Here's the end result (this video is silent): Grab the code on GitHub. Let's go! Take a screenshot of your favourite scene. Something with a clearly defined foreground and background. The brighter the image the better the results. Split the image in two: mogrify -crop…

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Adjusting timestamps on images with Python

A cute penguin.

As ever, mostly notes to myself. I have a bunch of old images which don't have any timestamp associated with them. This quick Python script will add a DateTime EXIF metadata tag to an image. This uses piexif which can be installed using pip install piexif This simple script reads a photo, adds a timestamp, then saves a copy of the new photo. from PIL import Image from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS import piexif from datetime import datetime im ="test.jpg") exif_dict =…

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Long Exposures - Creating Average Frames From Movies

I read a Guardian article about an artist who set up an analogue camera in front of their TV, set it to long exposure, and set a movie playing. The result was a rather wonderful collection of images. You can see more of Jason Shulman's works Is there a way to automate this process? Yes! Here's my attempt at a "Long Exposure" of "Taxi Driver". It's not the same as Shulmans's process, but I think it is rather charming. Here's a timelapse of how it was constructed. I experimented with …

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