Hack advertising regulations by forming a political party?

Advert for a fictional brand of cigarettes.

The UK has some tough advertising regulations. There are restrictions placed on gambling adverts, alcohol, tobacco, and all sorts of other products. But there are no regulations on political advertising. There are dozens of smaller parties contesting the UK's General Election. Some are single issue parties, some are independents, some parties contest multiple seats, some contest only one. Some parties are funded by individuals - some by companies. Here's a thought experiment. What would…

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Minority Governments and the Boundary Commission

Map of the UK covered in coloured shapes.

The UK is almost certain to have a General Election this year. The Boundary Commission for England has reworked the existing Parliamentary constituencies to make them more fair. As such, constituencies are generally more equal in terms of electorate. But, of course, geography trumps geometry. So the Isle of Wight now has two constituencies of 56k and 54k, whereas the average constituency has 73k. I wanted to know if these new boundaries meant that a political party could win the majority of…

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Elections In A Digital Age - blogging, tweeting and buzzing to the polls

Photo of a wooden sign indicating there's polling station here.

Weeks before Britons go to the polls, there's still no comprehensive list of candidates. Four citizens' initiatives have joined forces to tackle the problem. They've been gathering basic information about thousands of candidates and making the data public. "It may seem surprising but there simply is no single listing for all prospective parliamentary candidates. We want people to make an informed choice and that's difficult because so many new people are standing this time - and a record…

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