Tales of the Algorithm: The Transparent Man

A book cover in the style of a 1950's pulp sci-fi novel. An AI generated set of computers are connected by wires.

Scene: An airport. A few years from now. "I'm sorry sir, we can't let you on the flight until you visit the rest-room." I'll admit that it caught me off-guard. Surely the woman at the airline gate was joking? "Sir, two of the plane's toilets are out-of-order. At this time we're requesting all passengers void themselves before entry." "Look, I'm a grown man. I've been responsible for my own piss for several years now. Pretty sure I'll be fine." She gave me a sceptical look and prodded her…

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The Future Is About To Get Weird

Imagine, just for a moment, you could tell someone's most intimate secrets just by looking at them. Many year ago, when I was very young and you were even younger, I saw an advert in the back pages of some cheap comic. The implication was clear - SEE GIRLS NAKED! The reality was somewhat more prosaic. But technology marches on. Today, you can buy a smartphone with a thermographic camera. Point it at whoever you like and uncover them. A glance is all it takes. He's lying. She's…

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What's The Next Phone Box?

A row of Abandoned Telephone Booths. They have all been removed, but the sign remains.

As I scuttled through Piccadilly Tube Station last week, I noticed a relic of the past. Where once a dozen-or-so booths greedily gobbled up the loose change of passers-by - there now is a scar. What's the next thing which will be torn out of the landscape? Petrol stations are likely to remain - even if just as places to rapidly charge electric vehicles. Perhaps bus stops vanish as we use crowd-sharing mass-transit efficiently moves us around? Litter-hunting robots which crawl the streets …

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Would You Shoot R2-D2 in the Face?

The most distressing movie moment I experienced when I was a child, was watching R2-D2 being shot by a TIE fighter towards the end of Star Wars. (Spoiler!) The sheer callousness of a "baddie" deliberately inflicting pain on a cute a loveable character is, I suppose, understandably upsetting - especially to a small child. I also got upset at C-3PO being dismantled in The Empire Strikes Back, and at Johnny 5 being beaten up in Short Circuit 2. But both those characters have anthropomorphic…

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Rethinking Telephone Call Charges

A row of Abandoned Telephone Booths. They have all been removed, but the sign remains.

The UK telecoms regulator Ofcom is attempting to simplify the way consumers are charged for telephone calls. (Disclaimer: I work for a company which is regulated by Ofcom. This is my personal blog.) To deal with the multitude of different types of phone numbers - each with their own unique cost - and the rise of the mobile phone, Ofcom want this to be the norm by 2015: Under new rules confirmed today, telephone users calling service numbers will in future see the cost broken down into an…

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The Future Is Now - But Not Everybody Knows It

A tiny TARDIS made of Lego.

In July this year, I spoke at the 25th Privacy Laws Annual Conference. One of the things I most love doing is causing an audience to gasp with shock. I was asked about how businesses should best go about protecting the privacy of the customers - somewhat provocatively I replied "Why should they? Customers don't care." I then showed them the Twitter feed of @NeedADebitCard - all it does is retweet people who have taken a photo of their debit or credit card and then posted it onto Twitter. …

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The Future Of Android ... And How To Stop It

I was honoured when David Wood asked me to present at his first "brown bag" lunch lecture at Accenture. Normally I would run through a presentation of this length at several different venues and thoroughly hone it before presenting at a high profile event. As you'll see from the slides and video, it's still a bit rough round the edges. I based this talk on Jonathan Zittrain's excellent Future of the Internet - And How To Stop It. You can keep up to date with all of Zittrain's work on…

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