Lies, damned lies, and political billboards

2024 Update. Some of the Tweets in this post have been deleted. You can see them on the archived version of this page. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that any photograph which doesn't fit your political viewpoint must have been photoshopped. A few weeks ago, as I was driving down the M40, I saw a giant "Vote Leave" poster with a fairly repulsive message on it. Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentSaw a disgusting "Leave" billboard by the motorway saying "Halt ze German…

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Brexit Lies

At this point, I think it is a certainty that the UK will vote to leave the EU. The people who are anti-EU are passionate about their cause - every single one of them will be out to vote. For the rest of us, the EU doesn't occupy our every waking thought, we're happy to benefit from it but if the weather is rainy, we might not vote. With all that said, I'd like to take a moment to point out some of the blatant lies being told by the Leave campaign. I think it is important to show people…

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EU 112 Day Widget

Today is the European 112 Day! Because the date is 11/2 - just like the number - see! 112 is the European wide emergency services number. Wherever you are in the EU, dialling 112 will get you through to the local emergency services. In fact, most GSM networks outside of the EU will also route your call correctly. This is an important day. Dialling 112 could save your life. Sadly, the UK isn't doing anything to promote it. So, what better way to celebrate than by designing a JIL widget to …

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Amendment 138

Binary code displayed on a screen.

Update 27/10/2009 - I've received several replies - scroll down to read. After reading EU Parliament's credibility undermined by back track on citizens' rights on the Open Rights Group blog, I was moved to write to my MEPs. FOR THE ATTENTION OF: Sharon Bowles MEP Nirj Deva MEP Nigel Farage MEP Caroline Lucas MEP Marta Andreasen MEP Catherine Bearder MEP Peter Skinner MEP Dear Nigel Farage, Marta Andreasen, Caroline Lucas, Sharon Bowles, Nirj Deva, Peter Skinner and Catherine Bearder, …

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