Laptop Sticker Paralysis

Laptop covered in stickers, still on their backing paper.

I have a vivid memory of my school days. I'd completed a pencil sketch in art class. For once, I was impressed with my dexterity. Then the teacher demanded that I colour it in. I was terrified that I would ruin it. I begged to use the photocopier - but to no avail. So the drawing remained uncoloured. I've been like that ever since. I have a crippling fear of doing something artistic which cannot be undone. That's why I prefer computers to the corporeal world. Mistakes are only ever a CTRL+Z…

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Emotional Technobabble

Screencap from Doctor Who. The Doctor says "Must be a Spatio Temporal hyperlink." Mickey replies "What's that?" The Doctor answers "No idea, just made it up. Didn't want to say 'magic door'.

"Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow!" "I'll create a GUI interface using VISUAL BASIC, see if I can track an IP address." "I love you, let's get married!" Technobabble sounds convincing to a lay audience. If you're not a computerist, then "hacking the mainframe" sounds plausible. If you're emotionally immature, then "I love you! That's why I have to leave you!" sounds like something a normal person would say. If you ever watch old episodes of Doctor Who, you'll notice a certain…

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