Installing Calibre PHP

(These are mostly notes to myself!) I love Calibre, it's the perfect eBook management tool. It comes with a built in WWW server so you can easily access your library on the go. The only problem is that this really only works if you have a single machine dedicated to Calibre. For various reasons, I don't have a single machine. I have a desktop, laptop, and server. The Calibre Library is just a database with a set of files and folders - so all three machines sync via DropBox. As long as I…

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New Cards for Ex Libris

The card game "Ex Libris".

Ex libris is a wonderful game. No - better than that - it's a beautiful game. Here are the rules: Everyone has to write the opening line of a novel, based on the novel's summary. One player has the real opening line to copy down. One other player (the guesser) has to guess which of the opening lines is the real one. If you fool the guesser, you win the point. If the guesser is correct, she gets the point. Simple and perfect. You don't need to be well read - you just need…

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How Long Does It Take To Fix an eBook?

Four months ago, I wrote to Waterstones about an error in an eBook I purchased from them. I've finally received a reply... Dear Terence, Some time ago you contacted us regarding the following eBook title, "One of Our Thursdays is Missing (eBook): Thursday Next Series, Book 6" (ISBN: 9781444713039). We have had our eBook supplier investigate the content issue of this eBook title in conjunction with the publishers. They have confirmed that this title has been corrected. Our suppliers have…

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How Do You Upgrade An eBook?

As I've mentioned before, Jasper Fforde is one of my favourite authors. His latest book "One of Our Thursdays is Missing" is a brilliant work of fiction - but contains a rather worrying flaw. Well, I say a "worrying flaw" - I mean an error. All books contain errata - I think that's a given - but outside of academia, Jasper Fforde is the only author I know who offers upgrades to his books. Here's a sample from the original Thursday Next "patch" 5: Using a fine black pen make the following…

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Kindle Wallpaper: Books are weapons in the war of ideas

A book towering above some flames.

I was reading this article on Armed Services Editions of books distributed during World War 2, when I came across this extraordinary propaganda poster. Original image is from The Boston Public Library on Flickr under CC BY NC. What strikes me is how detailed the poster is. The power of the quote. The sheer neutrality of the sentiment. Books - any book is a weapon. Whether it is The Communist Manifesto or Atlas Shrugged. Imagine a Kindle full of books placed into the hands of a child. If …

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Holiday Reading

Thanks for all the suggestions on which eBooks I should read on holiday. I didn't get through as many as I would have liked (crappy flights and too many pre-lunch cocktails!) - but here's what I did read and what I thought of them. Anathem Neal Stephenson's Anathem By rights, I should have loved this book. But I didn't. I couldn't even get 5% of the way through. Perhaps it was the deliberate use of overcomplicated language, or perhaps because it feels like it's an n-th generation copy of …

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Releasing a PDF eBook is Like Writing an iPhone App - and I don't mean that as a compliment!

The unsurpassed guru of mobile phones, Tomi T Ahonen, has released his latest book for free! The book, "The Insider's Guide to Mobile", is an invaluable guide to anyone in the mobile industry. I've read through a few pages of it and it is smart, funny, useful and a hugely important tome for anyone in the industry. There's just one small niggle I have with it. It is released as a PDF. PDF is a terrible format for ebooks. Releasing a PDF ebook is the publishing equivalent of releasing an…

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Which eBooks Should I Read On Holiday?

A woman sat on the beach reading a book.

I'm an utter bookworm - on holiday, I like nothing better than to lie by the pool reading a good book. I generally average a book a day. Me reading a Kindle on the beach.... Last year, I took a mixture of eBooks and physical books away with me. This year, I'm only taking eBooks. That's where I need your help, gentle reader. Which books should I take? Which books do you recommend for a beach read? Criteria eBooks only. Liz & I have a Kindle and an Elonex 511EB - happy to have…

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Voynich Manuscript for Kindle and other eBook Readers

For years I've been mildly obsessed with the Voynich Manuscript. An ancient book, written in a language no one can decipher, showing plants which don't exist, and measuring astronomical configurations which make no sense. The book is an enigma. Many think it to be an elaborate hoax - others have more.... esoteric explanations. Regardless of what the book means, it is a beautiful and mysterious work of art. And I want to read it on my Kindle! has an ebook version of the Voynich …

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Hack Your Kindle

I gave a quick talk at BarCamp Brigton about how to hack the Amazon Kindle 3G.  These hacks come in two flavours - easy and very easy. Very Easy - Pictures Wouldn't it be great to view pictures on your Kindle?  Well?  OK - pictures, perhaps not so much - but comics?  Yes please! For best results, image files should be the same resolution as the Kindle. 600px * 800px - and grey-scale. Let's use the XKCD comics - mostly because they're already the right size and mostly in black and white. And …

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Kindle 3 Vs Elonex 511EB

I've just taken delivery of a shiny new Amazon Kindle 3. I'm looking forward to giving it a thorough review - but here's a quick comparison between it and my venerable Elonex 511EB. Click for bligger (more…) …

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eBook Libraries and DRM

I was pleasantly surprised to see this poster at my local train station. Looks like Surrey Library is moving to the digital age. eBooks and eAudiobooks from Surrey Library (click to embiggen) "Bet the site doesn't work on my phone," I thought. I was wrong! Overall, this is a brilliant new service. A great initiative to get people reading more books and improving library services.  Take a look at There's just one problem... …

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