Review - The Psychology of Time Travel

Embroidered rabbits and guns frolic on the cover of this book.

In 1967, four female scientists worked together to build the world’s first time machine. But just as they are about to debut their creation, one of them suffers a breakdown, putting the whole project—and future of time travel—in jeopardy. To protect their invention, one member is exiled from the team—erasing her contributions from history. What a delight! This is a classic murder-mystery wrapped up in a perfect sci-fi package. The answer to the "whodunnit" is, obviously, a time-tr…

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Review - Billion Dollar Whale

Billion Dollar Whale Cover.

This New York Times bestseller about the 1MDB scandal exposes how a "modern Gatsby" swindled over $5 billion with the aid of Goldman Sachs in "the heist of the century. This book is unbelievable. I have no doubt it all happened - but each page left me agog at the audacity of the characters. This is the story of how billions of dollars were embezzled from Malaysia's sovereign wealth fund. Previously, I only had a passing familiarity with the 1MDB scandal - I now feel soiled with…

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Review - Was This In The Plan?

Cover of the book - in a colourful font.

Far from being a misery memoir, Was this in the Plan? Is a frank, open and no-holds-barred account of how a family was determined not just to survive but to thrive when the odds were against them. It will make you question your own attitude to life and how you choose to respond when unexpected events throw you off course. My colleague, Stephanie Nimmo, gave me a gentle ribbing for using the line "spoiler alert - we're all going to die" in my talk. That's her line, she said, as she…

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Review - Autonomous by Annalee Newitz

A disembodied robot arm, shackled in slave chains.

Earth, 2144. Jack is an anti-patent scientist turned drug pirate, traversing the world in a submarine as a pharmaceutical Robin Hood, fabricating cheap scrips for poor people who can’t otherwise afford them. But her latest drug hack has left a trail of lethal overdoses. Hot on her trail, an unlikely pair: Eliasz, a brooding military agent, and his robotic partner. Oh, but this is a cracking read! Biohackers on the run from the law, killer robots, and - best of all - patent law! If you t…

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Review: Nina is Not OK

Book cover for Nina is Not OK. A girl is trapped in a glass of wine - is she waving or drowning?

Nina does not have a drinking problem. She likes a drink, sure. But what 17-year-old doesn’t? Nina’s mum isn’t so sure. But she’s busy with her new husband and five year old Katie. And Nina’s almost an adult after all. And if Nina sometimes wakes up with little memory of what happened the night before, then her friends are all too happy to fill in the blanks. Nina’s drunken exploits are the stuff of college legend. But then one dark Sunday morning, even her friends can’t help piece together …

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Review: Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think

Book cover for Factfulness.

Factfulness: The stress-reducing habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts. When asked simple questions about global trends - why the world's population is increasing; how many young women go to school; how many of us live in poverty - we systematically get the answers wrong. So wrong that a chimpanzee choosing answers at random will consistently outguess journalists, Nobel laureates, and investment bankers. This book was an absolute tonic to read on…

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Converting the Voynich Manuscript into an eBook

A mysterious old book

Three years ago I promised to convert the Voynich Manuscript into an ebook. The recent news that it may have been deciphered spurred me to finish my project. So, here it is, the world famous mystery that is the Voynich Manuscript now in convenient eBook format. PDF - suitable for Kindle, nook, Kobo, Android, iOS and for most devices (60MB) CBZ - suitable for comic book readers, tablets, etc. (60MB) As the book is pure images, I decided not to convert to .mobi or .epub. Those are …

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Rooting The Nook

Photo of a Nook eReader with eInk screen.

I was inspired by Matthew Petroff's Kindle Weather Display to do something similar with my old Nook Simple Touch Reader. I had planned to use a salvaged eInk screen - but the Nook STR (or NSTR from now on) is only £29 due to a massive price drop. The Glow version is a mere £69 - so I bought that and have set my old NSTR to work as a "Family Display Screen". The idea is that this will stay by the front door, show today's weather, mine and my wife's calendar, as well as other useful bits of i…

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Disassembling an eReader

I've always loved taking things apart. I remember, as a child, trying to sneak a set of screwdrivers onto a transatlantic flight. I wanted to see how the aeroplane worked and figured that unscrewing vital components while in flight would be just fine. I've (mostly) grown out of the habit of tearing down things which are currently useful, and tend to wait until they reach their natural end before poking them with sharpened metal. In late 2009, I purchased the Elonex E511EB from Waterstones. My …

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If The Kindle is Sold at Break-Even, Why Doesn't Amazon Sell ePub?

ePub logo.

Amazon claims that it makes no money from the sale of Kindle eReader hardware. Looking at the prices of eink devices at wholesalers, this looks broadly accurate. They do seem to be selling at around wholesale cost - customers also get Amazon's fabulous support, free software updates, and high quality manufacturing. Yet there is a curious anomaly. Why aren't Amazon selling ePub books? Terminology A quick diversion into the terminology used in this article. eReader - the physical…

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Barefoot Into Cyberspace

An online acquaintance of mine, Becky Hogge, has released a book! Barefoot Into Cyberspace tells the story of the "hacker scene" over the tumultuous last few years. Yesterday, Becky released a transcript of her interview with Julian Assange - in it he discusses the News of the World hacking, amongst other things. A fascinating interview which helps set the scene for Becky's book. I've only just started reading the book, but it's clear that it's been written in a very accessible way. You…

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Review: Verso Arc Light for Kindle - from LightWedge

As you may have guessed from previous posts, I love my Kindle. I often read late into the night, which either means keeping a light on and annoying my wife - or using a book light. Normally, I'd be happy just annoying her - but I can't resist the allure of buying new technology! I tried a few generic book lights but they were either too dim, didn't fit correctly, used obscure batteries or - as with the official booklight case - ensconced in vegetarian unfriendly leather. Then, I discovered…

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