The Evolution of Reg

Scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian. The People's Front of Judea sit on the steps, arguing.

In today's edition of "All My Faves Are Problematic..." I was re-watching Life of Brian for the umpteenth time, when I suddenly felt uncomfortable. You can probably recite this scene from memory: REG: What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can't have babies?! FRANCIS: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression. REG: Symbolic of his struggle against reality. It feels a bit... Well... Grim. In 2020 it kinda reeks of transphobia. Lots of people on the…

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Book Review - This Is Going To Hurt

A doctor's white coat hangs on the wall. A red pen in the pocket is leaking.

​Welcome to 97-hour weeks. Welcome to life and death decisions. Welcome to a constant tsunami of bodily fluids. Welcome to earning less than the hospital parking meter. Wave goodbye to your friends and relationships... Welcome to the life of a junior doctor. I saw Kay perform his delightfully disgusting parody songs on the Amateur Transplants tour way back in 2008. The humour in this book is much the same - bodily fluids, a healthy disregard for squeamishness, and some big-and-clever s…

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Is rehearsed comedy "real"?

Average comedian Stewart Lee giving a lecture.

In 2012 I think I saw the comedian Richard Herring 6 times. I saw him in a mixture of his own shows, gigging with other comedians, and on game shows. He's great - a brilliant wordsmith, and frighteningly clever - but after watching him half a dozen times, the cracks began to show. What seemed like an amazing off-the-cuff remark was suddenly transformed into a cliché. An observation which looked like it had just zinged into his brain was now revealed as a well rehearsed skit. Comedy - …

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Review - Richard Herring's "Christ on a Bike"

I'm not saying I'm a better blogger than Richard Herring. That's for other people to say... - Terence Eden Is Richard Herring the son of a god he doesn't believe in? He may not be the Messiah, but he is a very funny boy. For this long time apathist, none of His arguments were very new - the Bible is inconsistent, God is petty, etc. - but the sheer enthusiasm and obvious joy He brings drew huge laughs from the audience. The show is unremittingly funny - weaving skilfully between…

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I'm Proud Of Mitch Benn

Last NaBloPoMo, I wrote up my review of a Mitch Benn gig I'd seen. I know I’m not going to leave it ten years before I next see him. Indeed, I didn't even leave it a full calendar year. Mitch is back and better than ever - he even has a new single out. Buy the single for 79p at Amazon It's rare for Brits to get passionate without being cynical. Watching Mitch Benn sing "Proud of the BBC" is a joyous experience - especially with a packed theatre screaming the hideously complicated lyrics at …

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I *Am* The Cheese Lord

Screenshot of the BBC iPlayer. It is showing me sat in the audience of a show.

Edit! I've uploaded the clip as it's no longer available on iPlayer A few weeks ago, I blogged about seeing Russell Howard's Good News. I was (only slightly) gutted not to have appeared on the broadcast version of the show. Then, this morning, one of my colleagues stopped me in the lift... Hey! Saw you on TV last night talking about Dorset Blue Vinney. And so he did! You can watch the full episode for the…

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I Am The Cheese Man!

Screenshot of the BBC iPlayer. It is showing me sat in the audience of a show.

There are many reasons to love the BBC. In my opinion, one of the truly great things they do is offer free tickets to show recordings. Through the BBC tickets site and I've seen - for free - The Now Show, HIGNFY, The News Quiz, Mitchell and Webb as well as assorted TV and Radio pilots. Brilliant. An evening of watching some of the biggest names in comedy without paying a penny. The only thing they ask for is patience as they re-record all the bits which went wrong the…

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Gig Review - Mitch Benn

Photo of Mitch Benn. He is reaching out with both hands as if to grab the camera. He is wearing a Darwin Fish t-shirt. Behind him are posters of old gigs. Photo by

When I was a fresher at university, Mitch Benn played the union.  I don't remember why I didn't go.  I do remember being woken up by the guys in my halls banging on my door telling me that I'd missed a brilliant evening.  The CDs that they bought back from the gig were hilarious - the perfect antidote to looming finals. Since missing him play 10 years ago, I've caught up with him on The Now Show and Twitter (where I'm happy to report he's a user of Dabr - the mobile Twitter client I code fo…

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Screenshot of the Bofoonery website.

It's been a rollercoaster year for Bletchley Park.  Studiously ignored by the Government for so long, the British home of cryptography and computing is finally getting the recognition it deserves.  However, it is still badly short of funds.  Looks like they need.... A Benefit Gig! Thus was born! A comedy gig to raise money for Bletchley. Starring Robert Llewellyn, Robin Ince, Richard Herring and a host of ot…

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Sock And Buskin - Improv Superbowl

A handwritten poster on crumpled paper.

This is a necropost - resurrected from an ancient cassette tape. While I was studying at Carleton University in Canadaland, I joined the prestigious(?) Sock n Buskin theatre troupe. Together with "Where's the Soup", we put on an "Improv Superbowl". Basically a team version of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" The director - Jenny - and I went on LIVE RADIO to promote our show to all of Ottawa. Somehow, that got recorded onto cassette, and then transferred to an old computer of mine. Here's our…

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