More Real QR Statistics

Wandering through London today, I noticed that Southbank London has put QR codes on its posters. I've mentioned before the dangers of using as a QR code generator - as it allows us to peek at the codes' performance statistics. Here are the codes on the posters - click for bigger. As all the […]

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(After Ben Metcalfe's post on the the sage). As a mobile Internet consultant, companies often ask me which QR generator to use. There are many worth considering, but I always tell clients to avoid The security of Libya Internet organisations are probably not an immediate concern (you did know that's what .ly stands […]

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Tracey Emin, Cambridge University, QR Codes, Statistics and

I spend yesterday wandering around London and, as is my wont, spotted some QR codes which I think may interest readers of this blog. Tracey Emin The Hayward Gallery are having a Tracey Emin retrospective. At the start of the exhibition is this rather odd QR code. Why odd? Three main reasons. It leads directly […]

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Getting Images from a Foursquare Checkin

Photo of a MacBook. The decal sticker is of Iron Man. His hand blaster is replaced with the Apple logo.

"Oi!" shouted Whatleydude, "Get Dabr to show images from foursquare checkins!" "Righty-ho sir!" I said. I started coding furiously. Of course, things are never quite as simple as I first thought.... So, how do we go from to 1 Expand the URL Get your API Key. ?shortUrl= &login=YOUR_BIT_LY_USERNAME &apiKey=YOUR_BIT_LY_API_KEY &format=txt You can, […]

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Metro's Use of QR Codes

Updated! 2011-01-11 20:00 - see the response from the Metro. The Metro is a London-based UK newspaper national newspaper which is distributed in 33 cities across the UK. Around a year ago, I reviewed the Metro's mobile website. It wass a perfectly fine mobile site and I'm pleased to see that over the last 12 […]

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QR Codes and Error Correction

QR Codes are big news at the moment - both Google and announcing URL to QR services. What's interesting is their differing approach to error correction. From the creators of QR Codes, Denso Wave QR Code has error correction capability to restore data if the code is dirty or damaged. Four error correction levels […]

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Expanding URLs in Dabr / Twitter

I hate shortened URLs with a passion.  It makes it hard to see what a link is and whether I've visited it before.  If they fail - like threatened to do - you lose your links with no way to see where they once went. So, hurrah for LongURLPlease - a service which takes […]

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