Week Notes - Sick Note
Bleugh! After an amazing time at #EMFcamp, I succumbed to the post-festival lurgy. So this week is mostly brought to you by Vick Vapour Rub and Kleenex 🤧 🤧 🤧
I was honoured to be asked to visit the National Archives in Kew to talk about AI strategy. The whole event was streamed and you can jump to my bit at 5 hours, 5 minutes.

Not strictly my job, but I got roped into a very depressing conversation about accessibility. Websites have to be accessible - that's literally the law - so it's upsetting to speak to people in other departments who just don't get it.
- "Surely that doesn't apply to us?" - yes, yes it does.
- "We don't have the time for this!" - tough.
- "Do blind people even use our website?" - OMG!
ARGH! I think we mostly convinced them that accessibility is a priority, but I'm sad that we're still running up against objections.
In Print
The Economist mentioned me in their recent story about BlockChain hype.
They're referencing my Leonardo da Vinci prank from earlier this year.
Reading List
What books I've read this week. Affiliate links ahead.
- Stranger Things Happen - Kelly Link
- A bizarre and inventive series of short stories. Each one of which I'd've happily read as a novel. Perfect mix of Gaiman and Lovecraft. I picked this up in a Humble Bundle years ago - and I wish I'd read it sooner.
- Secrets Of The National Archives - Richard Taylor
- A gift from the TNA, and one of my few "paper" books" It's a fine ramble through some of the fascinating documents. Like being given a behind the scenes tour of the archive, fully of fun little nuggets. I'd love an ebook version so I could zoom into the lush images.
- Revolution in the Age of Social Media. The Egyptian Popular Insurrection and the Internet - Linda Herrera
- Starts off weakly, assuming the reader is familiar with the then current situation in Egypt - but it quickly improves. I knew shamefully little about Egypt's recent history. This is as much a book about marketing, branding, and state sponsored intervention as it is about social media. A vital read.