Replacing The Battery on a Motorola Nexus 6

Earlier this year I was moaning about my Nexus 6. Motorola's crappy battery technology is well documented, my phone was running so hot that the glue holding the device together became unstuck!

Motorola Nexus 6 Back Off

Eventually, the battery failed. It would report being fully charged, but only run for a few minutes before switching off. Recalibrating and resetting the battery statistics failed to improve the situation.

So, time to buy a replacement Nexus 6 battery. Cost under £15 and delivered on the slow boat from China.

I followed this excellent tutorial from iFixit. Here are my notes.

  • Buy proper tools. You'll need a T3 Torx head. That's quite an uncommon size, so I picked up this torx set which also contains a set of tweezers.
  • Melt the glue gently. Most of the glue had already perished on mine, but for the elusive splodges you'll want to gently apply heat. I used a hot water bottle filled with boiling water. I rested the phone on top of it for a few minutes and then gently peeled it apart.
  • These are delicate electronics. Be very careful. Don't tug.
  • Once you've undone all 22 T3 screws, the phablet opens into two pieces.
    Nexus One Open
  • As you can see, the old battery was wrecked
    Nexus 6 Batteries
    Although, to be fair, some of that disfigurement is caused by prying off the glue. Remember to recycle your old battery safely.
  • When replacing the battery, you have to consider whether you want to glue things down again. If you don't, there's a slight risk that some of the precise connections could shift and you'll have to disassemble everything to realign them. I cheated an used a small piece of sticky tape to keep the Qi in place.
  • You don't need to use the Qi inductive coil - although it also contains the NFC antenna as well. If you break it, you can buy a replacement fairly cheaply. The quad connector which wraps around the battery is for Qi charging. The long straight cable is for the NFC.
  • I didn't screw everything back together until I was sure it had worked. I put in the four screws for stability and then tested both the USB and Qi charging. I also tested the NFC using a basic app.
  • Success!
    Nexus Charging
  • The battery came partly charged - I reset the battery statistics just to make sure it was working. Once fully charged, I'm going to use it until it is completely empty.

There you have it! For around £25 including tools, I've got a brand new battery - and a little ego boost knowing I can do basic repairs to complex electronics.

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3 thoughts on “Replacing The Battery on a Motorola Nexus 6”

  1. Considering your Nexus must be under 12mths old why didn't you go down the warranty route? Although that's a slightly rhetorical question as I've experienced android device manufacturers repair/returns processes before! One of the reasons I like Apple stuff so much, walk into store walk out with replacement working device:)
  2. says:

    So I replaced my battery, but now I cannot get past the black screen with the blinking battery with a lightning bolt symbol. Wont charge, wont boot up. Tried different cables, tried bootloader. Nada. Tried everything the internet suggested, but nothing actually pertained directly to what I was dealing with in the first place.... any ideas as to what the heck I did??! One thing I didnt do was replace the coil. I left it out. Figured I didnt need it. I hope that is my only whoops!
    1. Terence Eden says:

      Try replacing the coil. Or, try leaving it plugged in overnight.

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