Set your domain name as your handle for a BlueSky bot which is bridged from the Fediverse

If you've found this page, it's because you are me in the future and want to remember these instructions!

  1. Create an account on the Fediverse using a domain you control
    • For example
  2. Follow the Fediverse-ATProto bridge
  3. You now have an account on BSky! Its name will be something like
  4. Get the DID of your account
    • Or
  5. Add the DID to your domain
    • I think the easiest way is sticking it in a plain text file at
  6. Use the BSky Debugger to make sure it was successful.
  7. Send a Direct Message from the Fediverse to The message must only contain username
    • That's literally the word username. It isn't your account's username.
  8. Wait a few moments.
  9. Your bot will now be on BSky as!

You can see that is also available at

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