2023 - A Retrospective

Well, that year happened!

I quit my Civil Service job. Started my own consultancy. Then took on a new job working 4 days a week. Busy!

I wrote a 50,000 word set of sci-fi short stories for NaNoWriMo. Contributed to lots of Open Source projects and did a few responsible disclosures - but got no bounties. Got sent some weird gadgets to review. Went to some splendid restaurants. Saw some decent shows - including The Who!.

I did a few interviews for magazines and podcasts - but nothing like as much as previous years. I did get involved with some Doctor Who props which was pretty cool!

Oh, and I died.

Here's how I did against last years hopes and dreams (not goal or OKRs)

  • Graduate from MSc (and regain my free time).

Done! MSc Managed. I scored a distinction and have vowed to not do anything academic ever again. Until I change my mind.

  • Go on a proper relaxing holiday where all I do is sip cocktails and read books (and maybe a little sightseeing).

Done! Spent a week in Cape Verde swimming up to the bar and reading books (not simultaneously). Visited Berlin (gorgeous). Kuala Lumpur was an incredible city, I think I'm still full from all the food. And a couple of weeks driving around New Zealand's South Island was just perfect.

  • Put more effort into things like OpenUK and BCS (I need to give back more to the community).

I've been doing more things with OpenUK - both attending board meetings and meet-ups - but the BCS work has been harder. I keep suggesting things but they never get much traction. I have to admit to myself that I'm not a very good organiser of events and lack the ability to convince people to engage with them. Consequently, I'll be resigning shortly.

  • Consider joining a Worshipful Company (looks like it could be a fun way to get more involved with charities).

Nope! I went to a couple of events, and they were... fine, I guess? I don't think I'm sociable enough to benefit from them. I don't have the hustle to pick up work from them. And I'm not sure how much time I want to devote to something like that.

  • Blog more. I'm not introspective enough to keep a diary of how I feel - but I do enjoy looking back at what I thought. Probably not daily - but we'll see.

Done! Daily, as well. I find it a tremendously cathartic outlet. I do not have a rich emotional inner life - but it is nice to get my thoughts out.

  • Read more. I have too short a commute to get into a good book. So I'm going to have to proactively set aside some time.

Done! 52 books this year.

  • See more friends. I'm conscious that I've been keeping to myself rather a lot. If you fancy a beer and a natter, please get in touch :-)

Well, mostly. Again, I need to put more effort into arranging things and seeing people.

So, what's up for 2024? More of the same, with a twist.

I have two contradictory goals. I've moved to 4-days-a-week in order to glide down to FIRE / FILE. But I'd also like to grow my own consultancy. I've already had several clients who are happy with me doing ad-hoc work for them. So how do I reconcile working less with taking on more work? Answers in the comments box, please.

With the upcoming General Election, perhaps I will get a bit more involved in politics - both local and national. After being politically constrained by my job for so long, it'll be interesting to see how that feels.

We've hit over 30,000 submissions to OpenBenches. Have we hit the limit? Is it worth promoting it more?

I am terrible at playing with all the toys I have. I want to spend a bit more time playing the games I have on the Oculus and Switch.

After several years of intensity, I think I want to throttle back a bit.

No doubt life will throw the usual amount of twists and turns. Let's see what happens!

If you'd like to see how I've grown as a person (or not), you can read previous years' reviews at 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 20140 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2010.

  1. The year 2014 has been removed pending legal advice. Needless to say, I fully expect to be vindicated and look forward to being crowned the rightful winner of The Eurovision Song Contest. ↩︎

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  1. Photo of me holding my party badge bearing the name Ministry of Truth. 2024 - A Year In Review (special mid-life crisis edition)

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