Wanted! A USB-C OTG single button keyboard

I'm writing this post in the hope someone will rip off my idea and start selling it on Ali Express.

Many years ago, I got a "Pressy". It was a little dongle which fitted into your phone's headphone jack. It had a single button on the top. It came with an app so when you tapped the button the app would do something. For example, tap once to open email, double-tap to switch to flight mode, etc.

Little gadget the same shape as a headphone connector. There is a flat black button on the end.

Most modern phones eschew headphone ports. They let water in, are fragile, and a cheap DAC produces worse sound quality than Bluetooth0.

So would it be possible to have a USB-C component which does something similar?

Technically, yes!

I don't have the skills to solder one of these devices myself. So, who makes one?

  1. Fight me. ↩︎

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