The Future of the Web is VNC
Many gallons of digital ink spilled at Google's plans for "Web Environment Integrity" which - depending on who you believe - is either an entirely reasonable proposal to protect users or a devious plan to add DRM to the entire web.
(It's the latter, obviously.)
We'll never know exactly whether users want this because Google is pathologically adverse to performing or publishing user research.
Anyway, I have a solution to all of Google's problems. Forget this notion of untrusted "user agents" executing code on untrustworthy computers. I have a foolproof way of getting pixel-perfect rendering on every device. It also stops scraping. And, as a little side effect, completely defeats ad blocking.
It's VNC.
This takes "Server Side Rendering" to the extreme. Render exactly how you want the page to look and then stream it over a remote framebuffer protocol. Users get to see exactly what you want them to see - ads included!
Just imagine the possibilities. No more worrying about which browser is being used - render everything through Chrome and stream to everyone!
Users simply can't alter the content they see - which keeps them safe from hackers, and protects your advertising revenue.
Low bandwidth? VNC will simply degrade the quality of what you see. Look, do you really want poor people viewing your expensive website?
Those naughty hackers won't be able to copy and paste your content - the trusted VNC viewer simply won't let them.
Want to track users across multiple sites? Might be tricky. Just route all your content through Google's AMP VNC service!
...ugh... I've reinvented Opera Mini and given myself a sad.
There are so many decent people working at Google. And all the good they're trying to do is being drowned out by mediocre and mendacious crap like this. Google desperately needs to be broken up. It's simply untenable to have the largest browser in the hands of the largest web advertising firm. Android isn't safe with a firm which priorities their advertisers' needs over their customers' needs.
The thing is, this is coming. There is literally nothing you can do to stop it. Your protests are meaningless next to the desire for some people at Google to sanitise the web.
Joker_vD says:
mike says:
Alexandro Sanchez Bach says:
trigglux says:
Ivan says:
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