This is an awesome idea! \o/ I was advocating for this two years ago. Check out the long list of benefits of using VNC over Web:
Later on I built a remote desktop and used VNC + PulseAudio on it, over OpenVPN. I watched YouTube videos without any problems. If not for the bills from AWS for the remote desktop server, I'd still be doing it (maybe I should use a cheaper provider?). I also made a three-part guide on how to do this published on the same Locals above that I sadly made subscriber-only and can't undo now. 🙁 No matter, I'll repost it elsewhere and post a link here. Check back here in up to a week. (BTW, @Edent (Terence), if you'd like to republish it yourself, I'm OK with that - just shoot me an email associated with this comment and I'll send you the texts.)
Let's get this started! \o/ xD Initial testing by hackers using remote desktops, then maturation of a comprehensive protocol that is supposed to be VNC+audio over TLS and an optional bulk data channel - ONLY FOR BIG FILE DOWNLOADS/UPLOADS. Really, the only thing missing from VNC is synchronized audio. Once the protocol matures (late 2024), we get some influencers to promote it. By 2030 we should be having panels/cyberpanels/screampanels without tracking instead of bloated Web 2.0 with all the tracking imaginable. Web 1.0 can be retained for those few people that actually collaborate (as in, use the Web for it's intended purpose).