What's the best thing you've ever won in a competition?
When I was... Oooh... 8 or 9 I entered a "count the number of spots on the giraffe" competition one summer holiday. Apparently I was the only child who noticed that there was a spot on the tail, so I won a YEAR'S SUPPLY of Cadbury's Curly Wurlys.
Nothing I've ever won since has lived up to that childish feeling of absolute glee I got from seeing a HUGE box of chocolate which was MINE! ALL MINE! It was only mildly tempered by the fact that year's supply was a measly 52 bars.
My intention was to live like a king and eat nothing but chocolate for the foreseeable future.
Of course, that didn't last long. My mum made me share them with my little brother (did he count the spots? No. But that argument fell on deaf ears.).
I also had to give some to my school friends (something about socialism meaning we had to share our good fortune with others).
My dad ate some (allegedly for quality control purposes).
In the end, I think I was left with around ten. Less than a dozen chocolate bars. I'd started with millions and now only had a handful.
After eating the third one in a row I felt sick, and my stash remained uneaten throughout the summer.
There's a lesson in there somewhere…
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