Questions asked at an End Point Assessment Professional Discussion

The last part of my MSc Apprenticeship was my EPA Professional Discussion. It's designed to be a 90 minute chat to make sure you've actually learned something on the course. The official guidance is available. But I thought you might find it helpful to see the questions that I was asked.


I jotted these down while doing the assessment. They are relevant to the Digital Technology Solution Specialist L7 MSc with a Data Analytics pathway. They will almost certainly be different for you.

I had my portfolio open on my screen and I constantly referred back to it during my answers. When asked for specific examples, I searched for them in the document and used that to help me talk about the topic. I also had a handy graphic from 6 Ways to Demonstrate Skills and Behaviours in End Point Assessment to remind me what talking points I needed to hit.

The assessor did ask follow ups questions if they thought I was unclear - and they steered back on topic when I strayed. I also asked at several points if my answers were unclear or if they needed more details. Some of the questions sections are short because I had (accidentally) covered the knowledge in previous answers.

Here are (roughly) the questions I was asked:

Business and Change Management

To what extent do you think that roadmapping is important for your organisation in the field of Data Analytics?

Can you give any examples of roadmaps that you have been involved in?

Can you give an example of any technology-related business change you brought into your organisation?

How did you achieve that change? What method did you use to bring about that change? What other methods did you consider?

Give me an example of how you negotiate budget approvals with your senior stakeholders?

Before you make a change, you need to make stakeholders aware. How do you communicate with different types stakeholders?


Can you give an example of the different leadership styles you are aware of? What motivational techniques are required to lead a high performing technical team?

Identify some professional values which are needed in a high performing team?

Point to 3-4 specific values which are required by your role?

You're leading a team. How do you help them develop their own leadership skills?

What coaching techniques are you aware of?

How do you develop a good working relationship with your teams?

What different leadership styles are you aware of?

What leadership style do you have?


What factors influence technology changes to be brought in to your organisation?

Major Project

Briefly describe your major project?

Describe what you developed and how you developed it?

Data Analytics

Describe the social, ethical, and legal issues with data analytics?

How do you manage those concerns?

Good luck!

It is a bit of a nerve-wracking process but the assessor put me at my ease. It was a formal discussion - a bit like a job interview. But there was time for a bit of back-and-forth.

My top tips would be:

  • Re-read your portfolio before the discussion so it is fresh in your mind.
  • Do some vocal warm-ups to make sure you're comfortable speaking for long periods.
  • Have a big glass of water by you.

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