Necroposting - blogging from before you started blogging

Jon Hicks has a lovely blog post about his site's design. In it, he briefly touches on something I find interesting:

Blogging like it's 1972 I also finally realised that there's nothing stopping me from adding journal posts dated from before I started blogging. So I'm going to start adding key life moments as much as I can.

A blog isn't an immutable chain of events. There's nothing to stop us travelling in time. When I go digital sperlunking though my history, I often find interesting things I wrote before I blogged. So I bring these "back from the dead" and publish them as Necroposts.

It's pretty simple. I copy and paste the text, set the published date to be in the past and - presto chango - history is rewritten.

My oldest necropost so far is from 1987. I found an old diary entry I'd typed up on our BBC Micro - and now it's on the web. I've found old photos and letters to video game magazines. There are some old USENET postings and things I wrote for old university magazines. Yesterday, I published a post I'd written which had been deleted by my former employer.

I'm hoping that, one day, I'll find all the 5¼ floppy disks I had as a kid so I can treat you to the terrible song lyrics and abysmal BASIC code I wrote back then. Won't that be a lovely treat for you all?

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  1. […] post is prompted by Terence Eden‘s post Necroposting – blogging from before you started blogging – Terence Eden’s Blog I’m eventually going to change the posting date to the one you see right at the […]

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  1. The word "exam" written in chalk on a blackboard. Unofficial Exam Guidelines. Please Display.
  2. The Logo for WordPress. 3,000 blog posts!

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