Book Review: The Idiot Gods - David Zindell

When Arjuna of the Blue Aria Family encounters three signs of cataclysm, he leaves his home in the Arctic Ocean to seek out the Idiot Gods and ask us why we are destroying the world. But the whales’ ancient Song of Life is beyond our understanding, and we know nothing of the Great Covenant between our kinds. Arjuna is captured, starved, tortured and made to do tricks in a tiny pool at Sea Circus.
His love for a human linguist gives him hope, even as he despairs that other people twist his words and continue the worldwide slaughter. As the whales' beloved Ocean turns toward the Blood Solstice the fate of humanity hangs in the balance: for if Arjuna gains the Voice of Death he could destroy mankind. But if understanding can prevail, he may, through the whales’ mysterious power of quenging, create a new Song of Life and enable human evolution to unfold.
Wow! This is an unusual and extraordinary book. The philosopher Nagel once asked "What Is It Like to Be a Bat?". This book is a fictional attempt to answer "what is it like to be a whale?"
This is an exploration of the alien presence on our planet. What stories can whales tell via their memories of sonar responses? How do they view their place in the ecosystem? What could they possibly think of humans and our behaviour?
It is a little heavy-handed. Once the middle is reached, it's about as subtle as an orca landing on your head. It almost falls into the cynical trap of only attacking religion but thankfully provides a counter balance against the limits of "rationalism". It redeems itself quickly and becomes a subtle and moving story.
An absolute belter of a book and well worth checking out.
I'm hugely grateful to my brother for recommending this.
Verdict |
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- ISBN: 9780008223311
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