Unofficial MoneyDashboard Neon API
Note: MoneyDashboard is now closed.
Yesterday, I wrote up how to use the MoneyDashboard Classic API. Read that blog post first before reading this one.
MoneyDashboard have launched a new "Neon" service. The API is a bit more simple, but authentication is harder.
Here's a quick guide to the bits of the API that I found useful. I've lightly redacted some of the API responses for my privacy.
List of all supported institutions
MoneyDashboard only supports a limited number of OpenBanking Institutions. Here's a list:
"0": {
"id": "44306c61-9fb9-4221-b4d9-f91cd711f665",
"name": "AIB (NI)",
"active": 1,
"paymentsEnabled": false,
"logo": "",
"isAvailableFeatureFlagName": null,
"primaryColour": "#7F2B7B"
List of the User's Accounts
You can add multiple accounts to MoneyDashboard. Here's a list of everything you've added:
"0": {
"cognitoId": "1234",
"accountId": "4567",
"providerId": "7891",
"connectionsUserId": "8910",
"accountType": "CREDIT_CARD",
"accountNumber": null,
"sortCode": null,
"balance": "-123.45",
"accountName": "Platinum Cashback Credit Card",
"currency": "GBP",
"description": null,
"logo": "",
"providerName": "American Express",
"primaryColour": "#016FD0",
"created": "2020-09-13T12:34:56.533+00:00",
"lastUpdateSuccess": null,
"lastUpdateAttempt": null,
"deactivated": null,
"alias": "Platinum Cashback Credit Card",
"lastRefreshStatus": 0,
"paymentsEnabled": false,
"isOffline": false,
"tokenCreatedDate": "2020-09-13T12:34:56.533+00:00",
"tokenRefreshDate": "2020-09-13T12:34:56.533+00:00",
"tokenExpiryDate": null
BABS - Balance After Bills
MoneyDashboard can predict what your balance is after bills:
"babs": -1234.56,
"predictedBalance": -2345.67,
"unpaidSeries": 0,
"dailyFlexSpend": 50.99,
"daysRemaining": 19,
"daysElapsed": 0,
"predictedSpending": 123.45
A full list of every transaction you've made - including tags:
"6": {
"id": "ABCDEFG",
"created": "2020-10-03T00:00:00",
"accountId": "4567",
"customerId": "7891",
"isPredicted": false,
"providerTransactionId": null,
"amount": {
"amount": 168.35,
"currency": "GBP"
"sourceAmount": {
"amount": 168.35,
"currency": "GBP"
"status": "Booked",
"deactivated": null,
"type": "Debit",
"description": "MORRISONS BRADFORD",
"seriesId": null,
"savedDate": "2020-10-13T12:20:23.176183",
"merchant": "Morrisons Supermarket",
"transactionBatchId": "ABC123",
"excludeFromSpendCalculations": false,
"originalTransactionDate": "2020-10-03T00:00:00",
"originalTransactionDescription": "MORRISONS BRADFORD",
"ProprietaryProviderDetails": null,
"categorisation": [
"id": 324978238,
"certainty": 100,
"source": "CategorisationService",
"tag": "Supermarket",
"level": 2,
"created": "2020-10-13T12:20:33.678358"
"id": 324978239,
"certainty": 100,
"source": "CategorisationService",
"tag": "Groceries",
"level": 1,
"created": "2020-10-13T12:20:33.678356"
"bookedTransactionId": null,
"merchantLogo": ""
Get your spending broken down by category. For example, how much do you spend on takeaways?
There are some weird JSON handling of floating point numbers in here. Beware!
"1": {
"categoryName": "Eating Out",
"amount": 76.29666666666667,
"transactionCount": 8,
"transactions": [
"id": "ABCDEFG123793",
"created": "2020-07-22T00:00:00",
"accountId": "4567",
"customerId": "7891",
"isPredicted": false,
"providerTransactionId": null,
"amount": {
"amount": 22.47,
"currency": "GBP"
"sourceAmount": {
"amount": 22.47,
"currency": "GBP"
"status": "Booked",
"type": "Debit",
"description": "JUST EAT.CO.UK LTD LONDON",
"seriesId": null,
"merchant": "Just Eat",
"merchantLogo": "",
"deactivated": null,
"savedDate": "2020-10-13T12:20:23.176338",
"ProprietaryProviderDetails": null,
"categorisation": [
"id": 324978297,
"certainty": 100,
"source": "CategorisationService",
"tag": "Takeaway",
"level": 2,
"created": "2020-10-13T12:20:33.679618"
"id": 324978298,
"certainty": 100,
"source": "CategorisationService",
"tag": "Eating Out",
"level": 1,
"created": "2020-10-13T12:20:33.679617"
"cycleStartDate": "2020-06-01T00:00:00Z",
"cycleEndDate": "2020-08-31T00:00:00Z"
OK, this is where it gets horrible and I get confused. MoneyDashboard uses Amazon Cognito. It does a complex authentication dance, passing along lots of different SRP_A
tokens until, eventually, it gives you an IdToken
. You can grab that by opening Developer Tools in your browsers. It will be a very long string.
You need to pass this as an x-auth
header in your request, like so:
curl ''\
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0'\
-H 'Accept: */*'\
-H 'Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.5'\
--compressed -H\
-H 'x-auth: aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoPqRsTuVwXyZ1234567890'\
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'\
-H 'Pragma: no-cache'\
-H 'Expires: 0'\
-H 'Origin:'\
-H 'DNT: 1'\
-H 'Connection: keep-alive'\
-H 'TE: Trailers'
I don't know of any easy way to automated getting the token from your own username and password.
Good luck!