Why would I ever leave my house again? (Do I have Stockholm Syndrome?)

How are you enjoying lockdown, gang? I think I'm coping well. Perhaps a little too well…

I was having virtual-drinks with some friends, when one of them said "How many people just aren't going to want to go back to commuting after this?"

I've always been a bit of a homebody. I work from home a few days a week, so the latest shift hasn't been too disruptive.

I used to do all my shopping online. Groceries and gadgets all arrived by courier. So no change there.

All my media is electronic - books, games, films, TV. It's generally quicker and cheaper that way.

My parents are tech savvy - so video conferencing with them is easy. My in-laws live in New Zealand, so Skype was already a well established routine.

I don't exercise as much as I should - but we have a elliptical machine, a bench, a yoga mat, and a couple of weights.

There are loads of takeaways near us. If we don't feel like cooking, we can outsource that responsibility occasionally.

In the last month, I honestly can't think of much that I've missed by not going out.

Being aware of my privilege

  • No kids, thankfully! I can't imagine how my friends with Munchkins are coping.
  • We're a cohabiting couple. While we sometimes bicker, we're not lonely.
  • Our home has enough space for an office each, and a gym.
  • We can both cook, and have plenty of pantry and freezer space.
  • My hair doesn't need cutting.
  • Supportive employers! Both Liz and I work for organisations which are comfortable with home working and provided us with a modest budget to improve our offices.
  • A big TV, a decent surround sound system, and 300Mbps broadband.
  • Our garden is small concrete patch, but private. We don't have any "green" space, but at least we can get fresh air and a tan.
  • We've already seen the world. This is the big one, I guess. I've travelled all around the world - and while there's loads more I want to see, I'm fairly accepting of how difficult that might be in the future.

What I don't miss

Going to the pub. It's noisy, expensive, the toilets are a fucking state, and the music is shite.

Going to the theatre. It's expensive, the seats are cramped and uncomfortable, there's always a numpty who can't mute their phone, and the queues for the loo are ridiculous.

Going on holiday. It's expensive, the seats on the plane are cramped and uncomfortable, as are the aircraft toilets.

Commuting to work. It's expensive, the seats are cramped and uncomfortable (if you can even get a seat), there's always a numpty playing music on their speakerphone, and the toilets are a fucking state.

What I miss

Nothing. The outside world holds no appeal for me now.

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13 thoughts on “Why would I ever leave my house again? (Do I have Stockholm Syndrome?)”

  1. Šime Vidas says:

    What about nature? Fresh air, trees, the quiet. You can’t get that in your house.
    1. says:

      Meh. We're in the city - but there are plenty of trees around us. Lots of birds - including green parakeets. As I type this it is completely silent, apart from a horse clip-clopping down the road in the distance.
  2. mike says:

    Similar. Though I think I'll go back to the office at the first available opportunity just for the change of scenery! Those of us who can work from home are lucky. Those of us who already knew how to work from home are luckier. Those with employers that are able to keep paying us are even luckier. It's not just that we're still get paid, it's that we have something to do for eight hours, five days a week. There's still a structure to the day, the week. My employer has always been quite supportive of home working and got very serious about it as it started to look like it would become essential for many. It will be interesting to see how many people who didn't previously do home working at all continue doing it to some extent beyond the current situation, now that they know how to. Food shopping is a big difference for me. I used to visit a supermarket several times a week to pick up bits and pieces, I'd grab some lunch from somewhere while I was out and about. Now a visit to a supermarket is something I properly plan. Making a list, checking it twice, (I know I've been nice), thinking about when might be least busy time to go. I've only done it twice in three weeks.

What are your reckons?

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