Accessibility of macOS - large cursor hides tooltips
Apple's attitude to usability is... complex. The general attitude of "you're holding it wrong" seems to be prevalent across all their products.
I like having a large mouse cursor. I find it easier to see on my large monitor, especially when sat at a safe distance. But, if I use a large cursor - I can't see the tool-tips underneath it.
Annoyingly, Apple don't include the larger cursor sizes when taking a screenshot. So you get the joy of me pointing a camera at my screen like some kind of troglodyte sharing memes on your neighbourhood's Facebook group.
Broken Behaviour
What does this tool-tip say?
That's from "Finder" the default Mac file system app.
Expected Behaviour
With the "normal" size icon, I can see what the text says.
Usability pervasiveness
OK, it's impossible to test every combination that a user might choose. But it really feels like bits of MacOS are hostile to accessibility changes.
It is impossible to change the system font size. That top menu is fixed at a tiny size. If you want a more readable font - tough.
Apple knows best.
Tool tip size
You can increase the font size of tool-tips with this obscure command-line incantation:
defaults write -g NSToolTipsFontSize -int 20
Restart the app and you'll get a larger font!

Which is still obscured by the cursor.
Report this bug
Apple have known about this bug for at least 10 years.
Apple knows best.
Martin Grundy says: