102KB ought to be enough for any email
Another day, another Gmail bug which won't get fixed.
The original Android phone - HTC Dream - had 192MB of RAM. The latest Android phones tend to have 6GB. A 32 times increase in a decade. Laptops have also leapt forwards in speed and memory. Sadly, no one on the Gmail team has noticed.
It's 2019, and Gmail app users are still seeing the dreaded "[Message Clipped] View entire message" error.

It's just as bad on the web version of Gmail - even on Desktop Chrome.
Google don't even do fancy AI magic to truncate these messages. You'd think they'd truncate at the end of a word. Or even in the middle of a word. They don't.
Nope, just slam straight through that HTML. YOLO!
What causes this? For unknown reasons, Gmail truncates messages at 102KB. That's about half the storage space of a floppy disk.
I'm talking 🖬, not 💾!
This is annoying for people sending newsletters - even the mighty MailChimp can do no more than offer some tips to shrink your latest newsletter.
Worse still, marketing emails know that if they pad out their messages, they can hide the unsubscribe link!
Oh, and as a bonus, if you click on "View entire message" - you get the old version of Gmail and Google's logo.

Google updated their logo in 2015. You'd think in the last four years, someone on the Gmail team would have received a long email and then filed a bug report. But no.
We can argue about whether emails should be chonkie-bois or not. But they are. People want full styling, images, and fancy features - not just ASCII text and the occasional uuencode
d attachment. That's the world we're in now.
What can be done? There's literally no point me taking this up with Google. People have been complaining about this for over a decade and nothing has been done to fix it.
"User-focussed" my shiny metal arse.
So, here's a whinging blog post which - if I'm very lucky - won't make Google lock me out of my account again.
Bill Gates probably didn't say 640KB ought to be enough for anyone - but someone in the bowels of Google sure as hell believes 102KB ought to be enough for any email.
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