Review - Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race

Exploring issues from eradicated black history to the political purpose of white dominance, whitewashed feminism to the inextricable link between class and race, Reni Eddo-Lodge offers a timely and essential new framework for how to see, acknowledge and counter racism. It is a searing, illuminating, absolutely necessary exploration of what it is to be a person of colour in Britain today.
Sparked off by her explosively popular blog post, this is a timely and deliberately provocative book.
Some parts absolutely struck a chord with me - especially the lack of education in Britain about the country's role in the slave trade. I also found the discussion of the structural biases within certain institutions to be extremely relevant.
If I'm being selfish, I'd have liked to have seen some discussion of events like the Battle of Bamber Bridge, where white British people weren't quite as awful as they might have been.
I felt the polemic occasionally got in the way of the argument. But perhaps this isn't a subject which deserves dispassionate analysis.
All that's thin criticism to an excellent and convincing book. Highly recommended.
Verdict |
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- ISBN: 9781408870570
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