Reflections on #EMFcamp - a Science-Fact Convention

Terence and Liz in front of Lasers at emfcamp.

At a science-fiction convention, you queue for hours to hear a bit-part actor describe what it was like on the set of a forgotten sci-fi show. At a science-fact convention, you have a beer with a person who is literally changing the world with a laser cutter, some diodes, and a smattering of Python. Welcome to ElectroMagnetic Field! (I've stolen the subtitle from Ken MacLeod's description of Charles Stross's story Dechlorinating the Moderator.) I'm not one for camping. Or doing anything in a …

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Week Notes - Sick Note

A printed page from the magazine.

Bleugh! After an amazing time at #EMFcamp, I succumbed to the post-festival lurgy. So this week is mostly brought to you by Vick Vapour Rub and Kleenex 🤧 🤧 🤧 Presenting I was honoured to be asked to visit the National Archives in Kew to talk about AI strategy. The whole event was streamed and you can jump to my bit at 5 hours, 5 minutes. The National Archives Media@UkNatArcMediaPublish open, publish freely, publish often says @edent during his #ArchivesAI talk @UkNatArchives❤️ 2💬 0🔁 013:52…

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