Stop! You're talking to fake customer services on Twitter!

Ever had a moan at your bank on Twitter? You're not alone - it's one of the most popular ways to interact with large companies. But how can you be sure that you're actually talking to the real customer services team? There's been a worrying rise in the number of fake accounts which attempt to trick people into handing over their banking details. Let's take a look at one of them. Here we see what looks like a genuine account from one of the UK's biggest banks - NatWest. This account belongs …

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Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Families

I've written before about Solipsist design - those services which have been designed to work only for a very specific type of family. I was taking a look at Google's "Family" proposition - which allows users to share their purchases with other family members. What I found didn't impress me. Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentFile under "Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Families."❤️ 574💬 38🔁 008:01 - Mon 27 March 2017 Let's take a look at some of the more baroque requir…

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KYLI - because it is superior to JSON

This is a (silly) attempt to fix some of the shortcomings of JSON. Hence it is named after the goddess of music. It uses C0 Control Characters Here is an example: ␜ ␁ This is a KYLI document ␂ ␝ GroupName ␞ data ␟ value ␛ Comments are supported too! They can be multilined easily. ␙ I've used Unicode Control Pictures so you can see what's happening. In reality, ␜ is  - which on your display looks like . Why KYLI is 100x better than crummy J…

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Where do these arrows point?

This is a blog post about user interfaces. I was wandering along the beach one day, when I noticed some clever chap had drawn some arrows in the sand. Can you guess where they led? The more astute of you will have realised that these are not human drawn arrows. They are, of course, footprints left by birds. A bird's foot is a "backwards" arrow. The apex points to the bird's rear. It is conceivable that had birds evolved greater intelligence and developed a writing system then their → …

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Training Customers To Be Stupid

Companies face a complicated choice. Make things easy for the customers, or make things secure for them. Convenience seems to take priority most of the time. This forces companies to get their customers to risk their own security. In this example, we see Verizon Wireless asking their customers to type their passwords into Twitter for everyone to see! This is dangerous. It is likely that many of their customers recycle their passwords. Does the average customer know that their "billing"…

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Inspecting Solar Panels using a Drone

Close up of solar panels on our roof.

I'm probably not the first to do this - but it was a fun way to learn just how tricky it is to control a cheap quadcopter even in mild weather. This video has no sound. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video tag. Good enough quality to make sure the panels aren't covered in bird-mess, leaves, or anything else which might block their efficiency. Thanks to Jack Franklin for the drone. …

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How to Hypnotise an Artificial Intelligence

A book cover in the style of a 1950's pulp sci-fi novel. An AI generated set of computers are connected by wires.

Last week I attended a talk by Dr Irina Higgins from Artificial Intelligence company DeepMind. It was a fascinating look at how their AI works, and how it is trained. Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentIf you've ever played a video game online, it is likely you've been training an Artificial Intelligence agent without realising it.Ethical?❤️ 7💬 4🔁 020:06 - Thu 09 March 2017 Part of the problem is that AI is usually trained on massive datasets, over millions of hours. So it is hard to know exact…

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Visualising Twitter Conversations in 2D Space

Update! The source-code for this app can be found at Many years ago, I created a threaded conversation viewer for fledgling social network It was a unique way to flow through a conversation without having to be constrained by the linear vertical scroll of the typical web browser. died - and I never found a reasonable way to recreate it for Twitter. Until today. Paul Butler has created "Treeverse" a Chrome Extension which lets you…

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