Dirty Flashing LineageOS for the Nexus 6

This is a quick guide on how to upgrade your Shamu from CyanogenMod to LineageOS.

Download everything

In order to upgrade, you'll need to download the experimental and the nightly build.

These can be downloaded from https://download.lineageos.org/shamu.

Store them in the root of your SD card

Flash Experimental

If you need to know how to access recovery, you can find the information at http://wiki.lineageos.org/shamu_install.html

First, flash the experimental zip file. Then reboot.

All being well, you'll see the Lineage animation - then you will see your normal phone screen which is covered with an experimental banner. Like this:

LineageOS displays an experimental banner over the screen

This is to remind you not to keep using the experimental build. Wait until the Android update process completes. Then it is time to reboot again!

Flash the nightly

Once rebooted into recovery, you need to flash the nightly build.

This will take a few minutes, then you can reboot again.

All done!

LineageOS installed on Nexus 6


By default, Lineage does not include root / su. This means that you can run apps like Android pay - or anything else which won't run on a rooted device.

You can download and flash a compatible root from https://download.lineageos.org/extras.

Remove root

Once you have done whatever rooty things you need to do - like installing an Android Ad Blocker - you can then flash the remove root package. Once root has been removed, apps which require an unrooted device will work perfectly.

So, there you have it. An easy way to upgrade from Cyanogen to Lineage :-)

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