I'm not a great fan of tablets. I have a phablet for day-to-day use, a TV for media, and a laptop for work. Tablets just don't fulfil any need I have. Which is why my 2012 Nexus 7 has been sat gathering dust since I bought it. Well, time to resurrect the little blighter and upgrade it to the latest and greatest OS that Google have to offer: Android 5.0 AKA Lollipop. Getting and installing the image is fairly easy - follow the instructions Google provides - so this review will mostly cover…
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A brief chat with Lynn from TNMOC - go visit it up in Bletchley Park. 🔊 TNMOC🎤 Terence Eden 💾 Download this audio file. Get About A Minute as soon as each episode goes live. Stick this Podcast Feed into your podcatcher Or you can Subscribe on iTunes Intro music "Gran Vals" performed by Brian Streckfus. Stopwatch Icon by Ilsur Aptukov from The Noun Project. This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. …
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A quick chat with Paul Johnston of Padajo about his ideas on the future of mobile. 🔊 Future of Mobile🎤 Terence Eden 💾 Download this audio file. Get About A Minute as soon as each episode goes live. Stick this Podcast Feed into your podcatcher Or you can Subscribe on iTunes Intro music "Gran Vals" performed by Brian Streckfus. Stopwatch Icon by Ilsur Aptukov from The Noun Project. This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licens…
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Being mostly notes to stop me getting frustrated. Based, in part, from this excellent forum post. I've always run Linux on my Mac Hardware. I love the physical aspects of the Mac line, but I really can't be bothered with their Play-doh infested software. Let's assume you have a nice, clean, freshly installed OSX 10.10 Yosemite sat on your MacBook Pro. I'll also assume that you may occasionally want to boot into OSX, so we'll be dual booting with Ubuntu 14.04. Partition In OSX, open the …
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I had a chat with Laura Kalbag, one of the designers at Ind.ie. 🔊 Ind.ie with Laura Kalbag🎤 Terence Eden 💾 Download this audio file. If you're interested in helping build platforms and phones which are free of corporate spyware - please donate to their crowdfunding campaign. Get About A Minute as soon as each episode goes live. Stick this Podcast Feed into your podcatcher Or you can Subscribe on iTunes Intro music "Gran Vals" performed by Brian Streckfus. Stopwatch Icon by Il…
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Last year I complained about a dangerous change to Google's Maps app. When driving, you want to spend the majority of your time concentrating on the road ahead. Flicking one's eyes to the mirrors & speedometer should be enough to quickly assess one's environment. The same applies for SatNav apps - every second that is spend trying to figure out what the graphics means is a second where the road goes unobserved. Recently, I've been trying Nokia's new Here maps for Android. There's a lot to…
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Earlier this year, I won the BlueLightCamp Hackathon. Usually prizes are a token of appreciation - vouchers, a books, maybe even a new phone if you're lucky. This, however, was a "money can't buy" prize - a trip through the Thames Barrier. And so, during one of London's delightfully wet summer's days, I made my way to the site in Greenwich. Here are some of the photos I took during the trip. The first thing to note is that the site is an active industrial area - it's not a museum. There…
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The Internet Movie Database is one of the most venerable sites on the Web. It was founded by a British programmer in 1990 as a collection of Usenet posts (kids, ask your parents). By 1993 it was on the nascent World Wide Web - and was hosted out of Cardiff University in Wales. IMDb was one of the earliest success stories for the UK Internet industry when, in 1998, Amazon.com bought them. Given its proud heritiage, why don't Amazon care about the British users of its site? If you visit the…
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I've decided to start a new podcast. Something nice and short - snackable content, if you will. 🔊 About A Minute🎤 Terence Eden 💾 Download this audio file. I'll be interviewing people for about a minute on something interesting they've done or found. If you'd like to appear on a future episode, please get in touch. For the first podcast I'm interviewing myself. So here's a picture of me looking silly. Stick this Podcast Feed into your podcatcher. Subscribe on iTunes. Intro mus…
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For the benefit of those who are hard of thinking: I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the Communist Party. One of the delightful things about living in Oxford is that there are a wide range of events going on. Events run by people who I like, run by people I vehemently disagree with, events run by itellectuals and pseudo-intellectuals alike. I enjoy hearing from a variety of people who don't think the same things I do. So, last week I went to "I for one welcome our new robot…
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When I was about seven or eight, I asked Santa to bring me a set of screwdrivers. Our family was about to take its first transatlantic flight, and I wanted to make sure I'd be able to repair the aeroplane if it got into any difficulties. Ever since then, I've loved taking things apart. Putting things back together...? Eh... not so much! Recently I "acquired" the latest Swiss made smartwatch - MyKronoz ZeWatch. It's a cute, simple, and cheap smart watch. At around £30 on Amazon, it's not …
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Running a Code Club sometimes means thinking quickly on your feet. I recently started a new Code Club at work. We thought we had everything set up perfectly when disaster struck. We went in to our assigned room half an hour before the club started and began to set up. Of the eleven computers we needed, only three had mice! Nicola - my co-educator - frantically rushed around the building looking for spare pointing devices. I started switching the machines on. Half of them were unplugged. So,…
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