Privacy and Security Flaw with CAB
The Citizens' Advice Bureaux have just released a real-time view of what people are searching for on its site. It's heartbreaking.

who supplies my electricity
why do some children become looked after
will i get back pay on pip

It was, sadly, deeply insecure.

It's falling foul of one of the most basic security flaws. It blindly echoes a user's input without checking or sanitising it.

There's another potential flaw here. Privacy. Hopefully no one is dumb enough to type in their full name, address, or National Insurance number.
Can a malicious user look at the searches and identify you? How specific is your issue?

Ask yourself this - how comfortable would you be with every single search you make being projected onto the side of a building?
A few minutes after reporting this, the security flaw was fixed.
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