Chumming Down
I'm turning into an old curmudgeon. Either that, or the new wave of social marketing has severely missed its intended target.
Let me ask you a question, do you want to be friends with your utility company? Your phone provider? Your soft drinks manufacturer?
I don't mean "follow-on-social-media" friends - I mean actual buddies. On the face of it, that's a ridiculous question. You can no more be friends with a conglomerate than you can trust a politician. When your local MP comes knocking on the door, she's all smiles, friendly language, and we'll-be-with-you-thick-and-thin - yet you know once your vote is secured, they really couldn't give a stuff.
That's what companies are now trying to do - be your best mate. They want you to feel like you have a relationship with them and that there is something more than a boring business transaction.
Let's be honest, the only reason companies engage in friend-washing is to make you feel guilty when you want to leave them for another supplier.
I first noticed this with Innocent Smoothies. They were just so nakedly desperate to have people notice their "quirky and independent" schtick - anything to avoid those awkward questions about the multinational Goliath which owns them.
More recently, my energy company is getting in on the game.
I like Ovo because they have cheap prices and their website isn't as piss-poor as their competitors'. That doesn't mean I want to be their friend.
When I joined them (on the basis of price) they sent me through a cheerful welcome pack which included a tea-bag and a small slice of cake. Ostensibly so that I could "put my feet up and have a cuppa on them" while waiting for the boring business of a utilities switchover.
Does anyone fall for this utter guff?
Well, yes.
Is it just me?
@edent Brands As Friendly Chum Chatters is #1 on my 2030 "Odd Things From The Past" list. Archived Source
I don't want to be friends with the anonymous call-centre drones who are rushing through the prescribed faux-matey script.
- I want to pay you some money - as little as possible - and for you to do a competent job.
- When something goes wrong - I want you to show genuine empathy and help fix things.
- If I decide to leave you for a competitor - I expect you to take it with good grace, not start acting like a deranged and jilted lover.
I have enough real friends.
It's all daringly postmodern and social and there's lots of academic or marketing wankery to justify it, I'm sure. You can't force jollity on people, and you can't fake genuine humanity. -Tom Morris
I get that the waitress in a café is friendly to solicit tips. Salesmen want to close a sale. People, in general, are friendly and polite. But this "chumming down" of communication is insidious. It is specifically designed to bypass the rational parts of our brain and prey on the prefrontal cortex. It tries to moderate our social behaviour in a way which is beneficial to the brand - and detrimental to our wallets and wellbeing.
You know where this chumming down ends, don't you?
Stefan Constantinescu says:
Mike Butcher says: