Open Letter To Jonathan Lord

(Unlike most "open letters" this one was sent to my MP using the fantastic WriteToThem. I've added hyperlinks for context.)

Dear Jonathan Lord,

I want to thank you for highlighting the inadequacy of South West Trains service from Woking. As commuters for four years, my wife and I are sick and tired of trains which are overcrowded, frequently late, and often filthy.

As the answer you received in Parliament shows, the private companies which provide train service in Woking are not looking after passengers' interests. They are expensive, inefficient and have a reckless disregard for safety.

I am therefore confused as to why the Government is pushing for the further privatisation of the NHS and Police force.

Given the disastrous privatisation of the railways that you have discovered, can I ask how you will be voting on 13 March 2012 on the debate to drop the NHS bill?

Yours sincerely,

Terence Eden

While I disagree with most of Mr Lord's politics, he's usually very good at getting back to me with sensible answers. I do wonder if the cognitive dissonance will be a problem in this instance.

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One thought on “Open Letter To Jonathan Lord”

  1. As I'm sure you are aware, the trains in to London from Woking are a nightmare, especially when you are coming back in the evening. I have had 3 hour journeys home due to SWT making seemingly avoidable errors. To be fair, when I have to go to Brighton nothing is as horrible as the experience of travelling with Southern Trains (it's the SMELL!) I have had a decent experience with privatised health services though, which surprised me. However, that still doesn't mean it's a good idea. Keep up the good fight.

What are your reckons?

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