Well, it's official. In a month I'll be flying down to Cape Town, South Africa. Then on to Johannesburg. Then up to Nairobi. Then west to Lagos.
Four cities, three countries, two weeks, one massive continent. Africa.
I'm flying down with InMobi, my employers (this blog post is personal and doesn't reflect company policy etc). We'll be visiting all the local mobile developers and researchers and seeing how we can help them. I'll be posting work related stuff on the official InMobi blog - but I'll be posting on any personal thoughts, reflections, and fears.
Yes, I have the fear. I'm fairly well travelled, but I've never been to Africa. I'm excited, full of wanderlust, and a tiny bit terrified! Perhaps, gentle reader, you can help put my mind to rest over some of the concerns I have.
Vegetarian Food
Even in Western Europe and the USA, I can't always be guaranteed of getting a vegetarian meal in a restaurant. What's the situation like in South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria for vegetarians? I've been advised not to eat salads because they're often washed in tap water - should I just surrender my principles and eat a bit of meat while I'm out there?
Mobile Technology
All the countries I'm visiting have good GSM coverage - that's partly why I'm going! I'll be taking along my Android phone, and probably a backup device. But what about roaming costs? Should I buy a local SIM while I'm out there - or will I get better rates with Truphone or Maxroam? I'm only going to be a few days in each country - are there any pan-African solutions? Solar chargers and emergency batteries are also a good idea - any tips on which ones are good?
I've just received all the vaccines I'll need, plus anti-maleria tablets. Any recommendations for lotions, potions, or pills to prevent getting sick while I'm out there?
Anything Else?
Like I said, this will be my first time in Africa. Are there any other bits of advice you can give this nervous traveller?
Steve says:
rik says:
Gabe says:
John Collins says:
ND says:
Frank says: