Floatworks - Flotation Tank Review

Like many people, my sole experience of floatation tanks is from the Simpsons episode "Make Room for Lisa".

I was looking for something unusual to do on my birthday when I received an offer from Groupon for a £14 session at Floatworks - a short walk from my office. How bad could it be?


Almost exactly what I looked like....

I am slightly suspicious of any "New Age" claims - but the Floatworks site is remarkably clear of dubious claims and mostly sticks to the facts. And I seriously doubt there are any studies which show having a lie-down in the dark for an hour can do you any harm! Indeed, Floatworks are currently engaged in research with Dr Tamara Russell of King's College London which has been passed by KCL's Research Ethics Committee (REC Protocol Number PNM/08/09-24)

Still, they do offer the usual range of mumbo-jumbo like NLP and Craniosacral - but they're not pushed and very easy to ignore.

So, with the end of the year coming up and several big product launches on the horizon, I have been feeling more stressed than usual. Surely an hour in the dark, floating weightless in saline, with only my thoughts for company, would be just the thing to calm me down.

The Experience

Naturally, I was a little hesitant. While I don't have any claustrophobia, there is something daunting about being locked in a coffin - albeit a fairly high-tech one!

The Tank

The Tank

The experience itself was amazing. It's very rare to find yourself in total darkness and silence. Usually the whir of a washing machine or the glow from a street lamp interrupts an otherwise quiet evening.

I won't claim that I had any divine, out of body realisation - but I did feel a deep sense of calm. Resting on the saltwater is a similar sensation to using a memory foam mattress - feeling completely supported and relaxed.

The more I relaxed, the more strange sensations passed through my body and mind. I felt like I was spinning - yet I never hit the sides. I could hear faint snatches of familiar tunes. I kept trying to open my eyes - even though they were already open. I found my teeth grinding together very lightly - not usually a habit of mine. At times, brief waves of euphoria passed over me.

In short, it was a thoroughly unique and intensely pleasurable way to spend an hour. All the tension in my body seemed to have dissolved and my worries had sunk away.

One minor disappointment was the size of the tank. I'm around 190cm (over 6 foot in old money) and I found myself occasionally bumping into the edges of the tank - each time briefly becoming conscious of where I was.

The Building

Located in the heart of Southwark, the Floatworks centre is certainly impressive. They've grown from a tiny two-pod business into the largest centre in the world. I was expecting the building to be like a modern gym - but it's more like a small spa. Quite delightful.

The Practicalities

Towels and earplugs are provided. There are showers for before and hairdryers for afterwards. Each floatation pod is in its own private room - so no swimming costume is needed. Floatworks also recommend that you don't shave the day before your experience - the water can irritate cuts and grazes.

There are a full list of practical considerations on their site.

Overall, I'm not sure that £40 a session is cheap enough to make it any more than an occasional treat. But it calmed me down better than any massage I've ever had. So I think I'll be back next year.

You can follow Floatworks on Twitter for access to their special offers.

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4 thoughts on “Floatworks - Flotation Tank Review”

  1. toby standing says:

    Great review - enough to inspire me to go three times - they currently do a package, buy two get one free for 80 quid. Believe it or not it gets better each time you go. So much in fact that on the third occasion I had to sit up bolt up right and have a very deep breath as the experience became so profound I didn't feel I could take any more - it was fantastically mind blowing.
  2. Thanks for the great review. I am glad that you enjoyed your session and most of our customers tell us that their experience is improved on a 2nd or 3rd visit as after the first time you are fully aware of what to expect and is therefore a lot easier to relax. We do have a couple of larger tanks available now (Tanks 8 & 9), one of which is the Iso-pod which we manufacture ourselves. This tank is around 8 foot long and almost double the width of the other tanks. These 2 bigger tanks are very popular so it is worth asking for them when booking to make sure you get them. Our prices have now gone up as of the 1st of January 2011 and a 1 hour float is £45. We are currently offering 3 for £90 but this is only for a limited time. It is definitely worth checking our website (www.floatworks.com), Twitter and Facebook page from time to time as we will be running lots of deals over the year and you can also win free floats almost every week from the social sites. We would love to have you down for another 'float' Terence and if you would like to get in touch with me I can arrange for you to come and try our Iso-pod!

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