Ada Lovelace Day 2010 - Rachel Armstrong
Ada Lovelace Day is ...
... an international day of blogging to draw attention to the achievements of women in technology and science. Women’s contributions often go unacknowledged, their innovations seldom mentioned, their faces rarely recognised. We want you to tell the world about these unsung heroines, whatever they do
Last year I blogged about Delia Derbyshire and Helen Keegan.
This year, it's...
Rachel Armstrong
I first met Rachel at BarCampAfrica UK. I thought she was barking mad. She was demonstrating how "smart salad dressing" could re-float Venice. How proto-cells could move, communicate, change and be harnessed for our use.
After watching her speak, I was a true believer.
She's a TED fellow and one of the founders of the Future Venice project.
To quote from her bio
Rachel is a medical doctor with qualifications in general practice, a multi-media producer, SF author and arts collaborator whose current research explores the possibilities of architectural design to create positive practices and mythologies about new technology.
Yes, that's right - she writes Sci Fi!
You can find a fairly comprehensive list of her works at the UCL website.
There's no doubt that she's lived a remarkable life and is destined for great things.
Follow Rachel on Twitter and watch her change the world.
Oh, and if you're looking out for her, she looks a little something like this...

Rachel Armstrong
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