WordPress Mobile - For The Rest of Us
WordPress is only for people rich enough to buy a smartphone and cool enough to choose the right brand. Right?
From the WordPress Blog:
I like to moderate comments when I’m waiting for something: a checkout clerk to help me, the dentist to call me back to the office, a soy chai to be made. I don’t lug my laptop everywhere I go,* so I love it that we have mobile apps that make this possible. I don’t know of any other blogging platform that has mobile apps for iPhone, Android and Blackberry. Do you? [emphasis added]
So if you are one of the 85% of people without one of these high end devices, you are out of luck. No managing your WordPress Blog for you.
This is - as PPK writes in The iPhone Obsession - a colossal mistake. To ignore the majority of phone and focus significant developer resources on a minority of platforms just doesn't make sense.
So, how do "ordinary" mobile users access their Blogs' admin area?
Enter WordPress Mobile Pack
The WordPress Mobile Pack (which I help develop) doesn't just make your blog viewable on all mobile browsers - it also makes your WordPress Dashboard options available. Take a look at these screenshots.

Mobile Comment Moderation
This page is simple enough to work on any phone with an HTML browser. Sure, you can argue that it's not particularly attractive - but that's the point of progressive enhancement. Get it working, then add all the bell, whistles, JavaScript and CSS that you want for high end phones.
No need for an app or a widget. Bookmark your blog's admin URL and you're done. You don't need to worry about security updates, corporate policies which lock down your device, compatibility with the latest firmware, nothing.
You only need a web browser.
(The more astute among you will notice that this screenshot is from a BlackBerry - rest assured, this page works on all the phones I've tried it on.)
Wait! There's More!
This is the front page of the Admin Panel. As you can see, just about everything you can do on the regular WordPress, you can do on mobile. Create and edit posts, approve or trash comments, edit the settings.

Admin Panel
Almost every setting which is available to you in WordPress should also be available via mobile.

Prettifying It
As I've said, this isn't the prettiest pig in the sty. On an Android device, the site takes on a more attractive style sheet.

Android CSS
So Why Use An App?
I think apps have tremendous potential - they're at their best when they are taking advantage of a phone's unique hardware / software. 3D graphics, geo-location, accessing the camera etc.
But why would you spent time and money writing an app for moderating WordPress comments? It just doesn't make sense! You don't take advantage of the platform, you duplicate effort across multiple devices, and for what?
If you want broad reach across all of your users' devices - write a website. If you want to look cool, waste money and alienate the majority of your customer - build an app.
You can install WordPress Mobile Pack from http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/
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