Dabr Widget for 360 H1
I've written a very basic JIL widget to launch dabr. You can grab it from https://shkspr.mobi/Dabr.wgt
I've tested this to work on the Vodafone 360 H1 - but it should work with any JIL handset.
Because it isn't certified, you may need to dial *#35767#
to remove the H1's security check.
The code is very simple. The JIL SDK allows you to call specific phone application - in this case, all I've done is invoked the browser.
<script type="text/javascript">
Launching Dabr!
One thing to note, if you're deploying the widgets from your website, ensure you have set the MIME type to "application/widget" - as per the W3C standards - otherwise many devices won't recognise it as a valid widget.
If you're interest in developing for this platform, there's a €1,000,000 bounty up for grabs. There's also a Dev Camp at Mobile World Congress this year.
I work for Vodafone - this is my personal blog, I don't to speak for them. All opinions, claims and mistakes are my own.
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