Expanding URLs in Dabr / Twitter
I hate shortened URLs with a passion. It makes it hard to see what a link is and whether I've visited it before. If they fail - like tr.im threatened to do - you lose your links with no way to see where they once went.
So, hurrah for LongURLPlease - a service which takes those horrid little links and turns them in to full sized URLs.
Here's the basic code in PHP to use the service.
function long_url($shortURL) { //Use the LongURLPlease API $url = "http://www.longurlplease.com/api/v1.1?q=" . $shortURL; //Set up CURL $curl_handle=curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($curl_handle,CURLOPT_URL,$url); //Get the JSON response $url_json = curl_exec($curl_handle); //Close the connection curl_close($curl_handle); //Decode the JSON $url_array = json_decode($url_json,true); //Get the Long URL out of the array $url_long = $url_array["$shortURL"]; if ($url_long == null) //The service couldn't find a long URL { return $shortURL; } return $url_long; }
So, how should this be displayed to the user in Dabr?
There are three possibilities.
<a href="short.url/foo">VeryVeryLong.Url/Bar</a>
This keeps the redirect, but it displays the full URL for the user.
- Get to see what the content is.
- Allows the short URL service to record hits etc.
- Won't highlight if you've already visited it.
- May cause problems if the VeryLong.Url is too long for the screen.
All Change
<a href="VeryVeryLong.Url/Bar">VeryVeryLong.Url/Bar</a>
This completely replaces the short URL.
- Hurrah! No more silly URLs.
- Will highlight if you've already visited it.
- You can seen what you're about to click on.
- Breaks any statistics management the short URL service was performing (is this a con? Surely the receiving website should be recording such details?)
- May cause problems if the VeryLong.Url is too long for the screen.
<a href="VeryVeryLong.Url/Bar">short.url/foo</a>
- Will highlight if you've already visited it.
- You can seen what you're about to click on if you hover over the URL.
- Won't cause problems if the URL is too long for the screen.
- Breaks any statistics management the short URL service was performing (is this a con? Surely the receiving website should be recording such details?)
- User can't immediately see what they're about to click on.
I prefer replacing the URL completely. I see no value in the various short URL services. The stats that they gather don't seem any better that those your webserver can provide.
However, long URLs can be messy - especially on small screened devices.

Long URLs on a BlackBerry
So, which do you prefer?
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